Fourth Dimensional Mystery Schools

The Arcturians – The best way to prepare for the TRUTH that will soon be revealed is to activate your consciousness out of the third dimensional lies and into the fifth dimensional honesty. In doing so, you will need to clear your own fourth dimensional aura, which connects the portals of our third and fifth dimensional self.

Most important, as you clear your human fourth dimensional aura, you will also clear Gaia’s fourth dimensional aura. When your aura is not clear, you cannot clearly perceive your fifth dimensional SELF or your fifth-dimensional environment.

In the same manner, when Gaia’s fourth dimensional aura is unclear, She cannot perceive Her fifth-dimensional New Earth. Since humanity is primarily responsible for the darkness (fear) in Gaia’s aura, humanity is being called on to clear their fourth dimensional aura. In this manner, humanity will assist in clearing Gaia’s fourth dimensional aura.

You, meaning all of you wearing a third dimensional earth vessel, can deeply clear your aura by consciously working your way through each of the sub-planes on the fourth dimension. Your reward for that journey is that you can then study at the Mystery Schools on the highest frequency of each sub-plane.

This journey is one that you have taken in all your spiritual incarnations. Of course, the concept of death is limited to the third dimension. Since the fourth dimension is where you have often gone after many of your “deaths,” you will find myriad remnants of your self within that dimension. These fragments of your self are ready to join you on your return to your fifth dimensional Lightbody.

Some of these remnants of your true SELF have become trapped in the fourth dimensional Lower Astral Plane. Therefore, armed with your unconditional love and Violet Fire, you will seek out these lost pieces of the puzzle of your Multidimensional SELF.

Your challenge will be to remember to call upon your Inner Guides, as well as your myriad higher expressions of SELF, to assist you on this journey. Most important, your own Multidimensional SELF will assist you as you work your way through the Mystery Schools of the fourth dimension, and into the frequency of your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF.

Your fifth dimensional SELF will also be guiding you, but only when you remember to include it. You will first move through the Lower Astral Plane where you will collect the distorted resonance patterns of your long- forgotten wounded ones. Continue reading