Stretch Out Your Wings And Soar!

Stretch out Your Wings and Soar!Open – Dear emergent Souls, yes it’s complex out there in the Shift right now, yes the shadow continues its machinations, yes plenty around you are conditioned into the high-tech metaverse. BUT, there’s a crucial reason YOU can see it.

It’s BECAUSE you’re emerging from it! So take heart, have faith. Let your soul dream big and keep centering in the Sacred Ground of Being. Transcend the density by feeling the expansiveness emergent from it. You were seeded here for this. You’ve got this… Continue reading

Soul Communication

Aletheia Luna – Shamans, medicine people, mystics and sages throughout the ages have always known that the soul doesn’t speak the human language.

soulInstead, our souls communicate with us through symbols, metaphors, archetypes, poetry, deep feelings and magic. The human language is far too limiting to express the full spectrum of profound knowledge, insight and revelation that the soul has to share.

As such, most of us were never taught to tune into the dancing rhythms of our deepest selves. Instead, due to our social conditioning we have come to heavily rely on the mind only and its interpretation of reality. Unfortunately, our emphasis on hard data, facts and linear logic has left a gaping hole inside of us. We fill this empty hole with consumerism, addictions, violence and endless distractions.

Sometimes, a traumatic or extreme event in our lives shakes us out of our habitual way of perceiving existence. But usually, most of us tend to miss the big, glaring daily signs that the soul within us is trying to communicate with us. Not only that, but we tend to actively mistrust, ignore or doubt any sacred form of communication that we receive.

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The Law Of Attraction

soulBeloved masters, it is of vital importance that you endeavor to incorporate the higher states of awareness, along with the will and Self-discipline needed to correctly implement the higher frequencies of truth into your physical, everyday life style in order to become a master on the path.

Vital information for each incarnation is stored within the soul-seed atom. However, the consciousness of the human personality must reach the required frequency patterns in order to access any advanced cosmic information. Over time, desire is transformed into aspiration, and aspiration develops into a clear, definitive intuitive ability.

It is a proven fact that humanity evolves and gradually makes life changes through experiencing moments of crisis. The fusion of the soul with the personality produces incredible changes in the ego-desire body consciousness, thus affecting every aspect of a human being who is functioning within the physical plane existence.

Living in the present moment, fully aware, without judgment or prejudice is the foundation of joyful, abundant living. Past memories and future expectations/aspirations create your present reality and future experiences.

Remember: spiritual fire is the basis of all manifestation, which forms the background for human evolution. The power of the universe is in the present moment of the now, within the still point between the past and the future. The still point of creation is not a void—it is filled with white fire God-seed atom energy—the Creator’s unmanifested potential.

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When to Let Go

careJelaila Starr – As we move into the new emerging reality, we are being called to shed the old ways that no longer serve us. Among those ways is one that keeps us struggling financially, especially those of us who are natural born caregivers. A few definitions for the sake of clarity.

Caregivers are those who care for others. Care giving is a noble and compassionate calling; we give care to people and situations so that they heal, grow, and prosper. Yep, that’s a good thing. But like any good thing, too much or misdirected care giving can cause an imbalance. At that point ti becomes caretaking.

I use the term caretaking to signify a change in power. Using the example of care giving an individual, care giving is giving care to that person when he/she cannot do for him/her self. Example, when a person is bedridden from a car accident.

Caretaking is giving care to someone who needs to do for their self in order to regain their sense of self and empowerment. Example: Continuing to care for that person after they have healed, but are stuck in self-pity, blame, etc., and unwilling to get on with their life.

Going further, when we caretake, we are taking the person’s power away by making the choices and taking the actions that they need to make, and take.

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