The Walk Ins – Preparing For The Fourth Wave Of Volunteers

soulsMichelle Walling, CHLC – According to Dolores Cannon, there were generally three waves of volunteers that come to Earth to assist the shift into a new reality. The first group incarnated around World War II, and the last group continued to incarnate as the recent “real” children being born.

While a “shift in consciousness to a New Earth” has been said to be slowly happening, there might be a surprise about to unfold in the grand plan that may well cause such a radical change that you will have no doubt that you have finally freed yourself from the control matrix. Continue reading

7000 Souls Recall Their ‘Life’ Between Lives During Regression Hypnosis

Michael Newton

Alanna Ketler – Certified Master Hypnotherapist Michael Newton developed a technique to regress his clients back in time to recall memories from their past lives. During this process he stumbled upon a discovery of enormous proportions. He was able to bring the souls back to the place where they go before their next life — a life between lives. Out of 7,000 regressions, a large majority had eerily similar recollections of a place that many of them called “home.”

One of the most fascinating aspects of Newton’s work was that it didn’t matter who he was working with or what their previously held beliefs were in regards to the concept of “a soul” or reincarnation–in fact, many didn’t believe in these concepts at all. After coming out of a session, many of these people were changed forever. They were able to recount some of their past lives and feel and clearly see the relationship those previous lives had to their current life.

The Life Between Lives

In the world of hypnotherapy, past-life regression is almost common, but what’s unique about Newton’s work is his ability to get his subjects to recall memories from being in the womb, and then from before that point as well, to the place between each life. This was a place where, often, all of the soul family was waiting and welcoming with open arms. Many of the subjects were often surprised to see who was there as some of these people had provided a challenging experience for them in their previous lives. Continue reading

Love for the lost

soulsThe Angels – You live in a one room schoolhouse upon your earth. There are spiritual graduates, and spiritual kindergärtners. There are star students, and there are those who skip class entirely. There are kind students and bullies. You are all in school together. You are all family.

So what do you do when you witness violence on your news… or in your own lives? How can you reconcile the fact that every soul carries within them the light of God, and yet there are some who hurt, kill, and devalue other life? We know it is not easy to be upon the earth right now. It is a time of grand and glorious change, a time when emotions are bubbling up in human hearts, sometimes with volcanic proportion.

The beauty of this time is that so many of you are finding new passion, inspiration, or a desire to release the past. The sad side to this movement is that there are more who “coming unglued” as you say, and hurting others out of their own unbearable pain. All are family. Even those who kill, hurt, and devalue others are family. They are lost, but they are still part of you. They need your prayers. Continue reading

The purpose of life is to evolve the soul!

soulsLife Coach Code  – What is an Advanced Soul? Advanced souls are enlightened individuals who incarnate into this lifetime with a specific purpose and mission – to elevate their area or corner of the world into one of Light and Self-alignment to the Source.

Others prefer to call them Old souls since they have incarnated into this world multiple times compared with others. They are souls that have progressed to a more advanced state of spiritual knowledge, awareness, and balance.

How to spot an Advanced Soul?

Advanced souls possess characteristics that are far different from ordinary human beings. They manifest themselves beyond conventional wisdom. Advanced Souls have these 14 traits: Continue reading

The Final Wave of Souls is Here & It’s Going to Change Everything

soulsRené Descartes – The Wave of the Future: The long awaited Third Wave of virgin Souls is now finally incarnating on Earth. 

In fact, most Souls incarnating today are Third Wavers or their forerunners, to help accommodate for the next step in the evolution and expansion of the human consciousness.

The First few forerunners started to arrive roughly 100 years ago as scouts to make preparations for the Third Wave. Their talents were many and varied and appropriate for the task.

From about 1940 onward, these Souls with their special talents became known as the Indigo Childrenand began to arrive in larger numbers.

The Indigos came to prepare for the arrival of the Third Wave of virgin Souls who have never been to earth before. All Indigos have only little Karma from previous lives to deal with and they have guts and many talents.

From about 1998-9 the Third Wave of Virgin Souls finally began to arrive, and was called Rainbow, Crystal or Starseed Children, as well as many other names.

First, a small trickle arrived, but since 2010 they have been coming in much larger numbers, taking every opportunity they could to incarnate using mostly grown-up Indigos as their parents. Continue reading