Sociopathic Behavior And The Cure

Diane Canfield – Since there is only love – there is a separation with some that have not been loved and do not know what love is. This behavior when to the extreme can play out as what is termed sociopathic behavior. What is really- lack of love and separation from Source.

One of the attributes of a sociopath is to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. This accomplishes two things for them, it takes the attention off of them and puts the victim in a defensive mode.

The victim then has to try to explain themselves when it is actually the sociopath that should be doing the explaining. This is a common mechanism that is used by someone with no conscious and no connection to Source.

They also feel they are above everyone else and untouchable. They may also be charming and likable by many. Yet few know the hidden secrets they carry and the way they manipulate others.

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The Extraordinary Gift Of Inner Spaciousness

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher | July 13 2012

Have you ever looked at the stars at night and been utterly amazed by the infinite spaciousness of this Universe? Just as you notice the vast expansiveness of your outer world, this same spaciousness exists in your inner world. This inner spaciousness is where you can finally rest and find inner peace. You may have noticed that your mind is always thinking, thinking, thinking. It constantly lives in a narrow contracted state, always projecting, interpreting and holding onto a random selection of thoughts and ideas. To bring the mind into harmony you need something extremely spacious and infinitely peaceful to balance it out. This balancing agent is the experience of pure consciousness. Whenever you access a state of pure consciousness you begin to shift from living up in the constant thinking machine of the head, to resting in The Source of pure awareness in your Heart. By learning how to abide in the heart of Consciousness, you’ll tap into one of the most Divine, expansive, spacious, and precious experience a human being can have.

“When calm your mind and your senses, you become conscious of your always-present inner Self.” ~Remez Sasson

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