Iran & North Korea Missile Tests, Trump Trashed by MSM, Fed Economic Fraud

Korea Greg Hunter – Iran is back in the news for testing ballistic missiles with the words “Israel should be wiped off the Earth.” It is widely reported that Iran has test fired two ballistic missiles.  Iran says it was a show of “deterrent power,” and that it is “defensive.”  Iran says this does not violate the recent nuclear deal.  Might I continue to point out that nobody signed any “deal.”  Others say it totally violates a U.N. resolution that says Iran should not be carrying out ballistic missile tests, but there is no real ban on missile launches.  Nice “deal” John Kerry!

Meanwhile, North Korea is doing some saber rattling of its own. This week, their leader Kim Jung-Un announced it has miniaturized nuclear warheads.  North Korea has also been test firing its own missiles and making threats against the U.S. and South Korea.  There are new sanctions on the North because of the increased tensions and rhetoric.  In response, North Korea has reportedly threatened to “liquidate” South Korea assets.  Behind the scenes, some politicians of South Korea are suggesting openly to change their laws and get nuclear weapons.

It appears that Donald Trump is being attacked from all sides. The MSM is openly comparing him to Hitler.  Outrageous, when you consider that Hitler was responsible for the death of tens of millions of people in WWII.  Just the Jews and the Russians killed at the hand of Hitler are nearly 30 million people.  Trump’s own party is spending money to try to defeat him.  Have you ever seen this in your life?  I haven’t.  The MSM continues to lie by omission.  One example, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos asking Hillary Clinton in this past week’s Democratic debate, “If you are indicted, will you drop out?” Clinton responded, “It’s not going to happen.  I am not answering that question.”   That little exchange was not covered many places, and it was the big moment of the night, especially knowing one of her staff members just received immunity from the Justice Department.

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The Monsanto Tipping Point Has Been Reached

NaturalNews June 4 2013

Ben & Jerry'sMonsanto is now in full retreat against a global grassroots rejection of its poisons and lies. The company is backpedaling on every front now, even admitting defeat in Europe and now trying to focus its last, desperate efforts on the United States and Brazil.

But even in the Americas, Monsanto is losing on every front: GMO labeling legislation is cropping up in over a dozen states, the global March Against Monsanto demonstrated global grassroots unity against GMOs, and even the so-called “science” behind the “safety” GMOs is revealed as utter hogwash now that GMOs have escaped Monsanto’s experimental wheat fields and contaminated commercial wheat crops in America.

Japan has halted U.S. wheat imports and South Korea joined in as well. Ben & Jerry’s ice cream company has announced it is going 100% GMO-free, and massive boycotts are under way against brands that tried to block the GMO labeling ballot measure in California (Prop 37).

We’ve reached the tipping point against Monsanto

Jeffrey Smith of has always talked about a “tipping point” being reached on GMOs, after which the flood of consumer awareness and demand would force food manufacturers and retailers to begin the process of ditching GMOs. I believe that tipping point has now been reached. In fact, I believe the March Against Monsanto was the final push over the fulcrum of the tipping point, and I am ecstatic that so many people all around the world marched in the streets to protest global food injustice while the wholly-discredited mainstream media sat back and pretended the march never even took place!

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Getting Smart About Your Choices: Third Uranus/Pluto Square—May 20, 2013.

HandClow May 22 2012

GeminiDuring the first two Uranus/Pluto squares many people woke up, actually intensely feeling their real connections to others. This is the awakening of the human heart. Of course, with so many people lighting up, chaos is rampant in the world. Sometimes I wonder if we are right in the middle of the Second Coming! One by one, people sense that the fabled return is not Jesus coming again: the Second Coming is about awakening love in our hearts. I actually think this is what’s going on. No wonder everything is so intense.

Pluto turned retrograde April 12th, so the third square is quickly closing in now. At this point, many people realize that our species is in extreme crisis. If we want to survive, we have to balance human needs with planetary resources, only the very first step back into balance. Also, each person must remember what it feels like to be a sensitive and happy human. This is feasible because so many are integrating the negative side—befriending the dark. This involves seeing things that have always gone on in our world instead of just being nice. Some are responding very courageously to this polarity expansion, while others drop out because they just don’t want to see ugly side of life. I understand; I take a total break from it at least once a week.

The covers for evil acts—such as rampant sexual abuse of children, governments orchestrating mass trauma events like 9/11, and bankers fleecing the public—have been stripped off! The only difference between now and the past is that a majority knows what’s going on, for example publicizing that women get raped in India. They always have been! The condition of our sacred world is depressing, overwhelming, and sometimes seems hopeless, but it is changing. When enough people face cold hard reality, it changes. And, this is it!

If you will recall my reading for the previous Uranus/Pluto square on September 19, 2012, I suggested that we all need to make some very clear intentions because our reality—3D—is governed by quantum principles, such as Entanglement. We are all tangled up together amidst

constantly changing probable outcomes, so the changes in the collective are horrendous, yet magnificent! Since everybody has free will, some choose to kill people, such as little children in a New England school or shooting Malala Yusafzai on a bus in Pakistan. Meanwhile, the majority is now realizing the murderers are those who get power and profit from weapons. Soon after the second Saturn/Pluto square, violent acts against Western powers that occupy far distant countries became a dominant theme. The Libyan US Ambassador was murdered in the Benghazi Embassy; Afghan and Pakistani soldiers and policeman ambushed their American trainers; and a second Korean war may be in the making. As we come to the end zone of the second square, North Korea is screaming at the US over its 60-year occupation of South Korea. If this does not happen, then the US will end its expensive commitment to South Korea. Regardless of all that, many beautiful intentions were carried out by each one of you. In the quantum, the dark shares equally with the light so with so many people opening their hearts, ugly truths seep out like sewage in the basement.

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Korean Scientists Successfully Kill Cancer With Magnets

Natural Society | October 10 2012

In South Korea, scientists used a magnetic field to get cancer cells to actually self-destruct. The body removes old, defective, and infected cells through the process of programmed cell death (PCD), or apoptosis. In apoptosis, the rejected cell responds to certain signals sent by the body by fragmenting. Immune cells then consume these fragments. The magnets help trigger apoptosis. When apoptosis fails, however, rejected cells divide uncontrollably, developing tumors.

Magnets Induce Apoptosis

Professor Jinwoo Cheon of Yonsei University in Seoul and a team of scientists conducted experiments on bowel cancer cells using magnetic fields to induce apoptosis. They attached iron nanoparticles to antibodies, which bind to “receptor” molecules on tumor cells. These molecules cluster when the magnetic field is applied, triggering the “self-destruct” signal and thereby apoptosis. In the experiment, over half of the bowel cancer cells were destroyed when the signal for apoptopic clustering came into effect. Untreated cells remained unaffected and unharmed.

Big Pharma’s Response?

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Paul Craig Roberts ~ Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness

Paul Craig Roberts | April 13 2012

ChinaThe US government pretends to live under the rule of law, to respect human rights, and to provide freedom and democracy to citizens. Washington’s pretense and the stark reality are diametrically opposed.

US government officials routinely criticize other governments for being undemocratic and for violating human rights. Yet, no other country except Israel sends bombs, missiles, and drones into sovereign countries to murder civilian populations. The torture prisons of Abu Gahraib, Guantanamo, and CIA secret rendition sites are the contributions of the Bush/Obama regimes to human rights.

Washington violates the human rights of its own citizens. Washington has suspended the civil liberties guaranteed in the US Constitution and declared its intention to detain US citizens indefinitely without due process of law. President Obama has announced that he, at his discretion, can murder US citizens whom he regards as a threat to the US.

Congress did not respond to these extraordinary announcements with impeachment proceedings. There was no uproar from the federal courts, law schools, or bar associations. Glenn Greenwald reports that the Department of Homeland Security harasses journalists who refuse to be presstitutes, and we have seen videos of the brutal police oppression of peaceful OWS protestors. Chris Floyd describes the torture-perverts who rule the US.

Now Washington is forcing as much of the world as it can to overthrow international treaties and international law. Washington has issued a ukase that its word alone is international law. Any country, except those who receive Washington’s dispensation, that engages in trade with Iran or purchases Iran’s oil will be sanctioned by the US. These countries will be cut off from US markets, and their banking systems will not be able to use banks that process international payments. In other words, Washington’s “sanctions against Iran” apply not to Iran but to countries that defy Washington and meet their energy needs with Iranian oil.

According to the Christian Science Monitor, so far Washington has granted special privileges to Japan and 10 European Union countries to continue purchasing Iranian oil. Requiring countries to shutdown their economies in order to comply with Washington’s vendetta against Iran, a vendetta that has been ongoing ever since the Iranians overthrew the Washington-installed puppet, the Shah of Iran, more than three decades ago, was more than Washington could get away with. Washington has permitted Japan to keep importing between 78-85% of its normal oil imports from Iran.

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