If We Are Free Sovereign Beings, Why Do We Ask For Permission?

Sovereignty is a concept fundamental to our freedom. Without individual sovereignty, we are merely slaves. Without true independence, we may only walk someone else’s path.

As humanity continues to wake up to our true nature of being, to our divine relationship with our world and unbroken connection to the Source of life, it is crucial that we truly understand what it is to be a ‘sovereign being’. To begin, let’s look at the definition of the word ‘sovereign’ so we all start on the same page.

The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘sovereign’ as:

Sovereign /ˈsɒvrɪn (adjective):

  • Acting or done independently and without outside interference.
  • Possessing supreme or ultimate power.

So in considering our sovereignty, the question really is… Do we truly live “independently and without outside interference”? Do we possess “supreme or ultimate power” over our lives? And if not, who does?

Sovereigns and Subjects

How often do we hear the terms ‘Sovereign Nation’, ‘Sovereign State’, ‘Sovereign Debt’ or ‘The Sovereign Monarch’?

Despite its definition, today, we attribute the value of sovereignty only to institutions; to nations and monarchs. So consider…

If a monarch is sovereign and there is only one monarch, there can be only one sovereign – only one who acts independently and without outside interference. What about the rest of us? Don’t monarchs have subjects? Subject to what, you may wonder? Subject to outside interference, from those possessing supreme or ultimate power?

Let’s examine the word ‘Subject’ for a moment. Continue reading

Pushing for Timelines

Energetic Synthesis | May 3 2012

EarthComing into the planet’s annual electrical peak cycle for this May, the players are aggressively jockeying for optimum position in the field, devising their strategies, clawing their way through the 2012 Ascension cycle reality show, “Pushing for Timelines”. We have groups “pushing” for their agenda and to cull as many people as they can to get on board with their future timeline that supports that agenda. In the larger overview, tempers are flared while engaged within heated ancient conflicts, as there are fresh pawns being thrust into the controller’s game as an exercise to prove they can still throw their weight around, while attempting to intimidate others into being culled to enforce their dominion agendas. Do not let this frighten you or take you out of your personal power. Command your space!There are many more people (primarily within the Starseed gene pools) exposed to sleep state ET contact, ET type of dreams and other modes of communication and manipulation. (Please review March News section for Guidelines for Positive Contact) It is important to know IT IS YOU that must “command your space” and claim your sovereign right to State the Action of your Authority. The God Source and Christ Force, do not attack or manipulate, however, they Protect and Defend.

Gridworker’s are being called upon spontaneously to show up in various demographic areas of the planetary surface, alone or in groups, to act as environmental harmonizers, energy placement holders or set up “phase cancellations” to effectively transduce and emit neutralizing signals. When developed, Starseeds have the consciousness ability to neutralize artificial technology and replace it with organic code. (At this time in the planet fields, there is an aggressive use of the following Negative Alien and Grey technologies: static frequency fences, energy phasing distortions, soul imaging and capturing technology, holographic inserts and projections, black hole technology, opening hyperspace pockets (time/space ripping), aura harvesting and harnessing, electromagnetic pulsing and sweeping.) These sudden “grid” missions, (whether assigned at home in your bedroom, or out doing planet fieldwork) are being given to mitigate various large impacts made in the energy field of the planet. Gridworker’s are sent where their specific expertise or “consciousness” genetic key is most beneficial.

If one is not clear who their authority is, and that ET’s are not Angels or “God’s” to be trusted, one can be manipulated to serve an alien agenda that is not in service to human Ascension and Sovereignty. Use 12D Shield boundary testing for all ET Communication, and learn to develop this skill if you are being contacted.

Whether we observe the World News with our outer vision, or observe the energy (consciousness) field with our inner vision, the fantastically surreal to paranormal, manifest as common daily events. Some of those events are hidden five pages deep in a brief article someone managed to get on the internet for a few hours. (Although some of this is disinformation to debunk UFO or other sightings, some of it indeed is accurate, until it is promptly removed into the “404 error pages” and photo shopped) Many of us cannot believe our “eyes” (I’s) and are grappling with coming to “new terms” with our understanding of the nature of reality and our life. Our relationship to time and space is, fundamentally, at the energy physics level, changing. All the while there are still those totally oblivious to it all, and those watching on the sidelines, exclaiming “WTF?” We are in the end of times where those willing to pay attention are facing some of the most bizarre events, collective strange behaviors and distorted motivations ever witnessed on planet. A penetrating insight and disturbing conclusion will be arrived at, when one delves into the matter by asking the question: Who is benefiting from ____ event?

The propped up artifice of the collective ego mind is further fragmenting into multiple schisms and descending into its pit of despair and madness. We can choose to accept our responsibility to live during these times, as an empowered connected human, willing to face the truth, or descend into disconnection through the spiral of madness. We cannot be of this world, engaged with the chaos, and maintain our sanity. Our inner spirit is that which harmonizes our overall auric energies and will restore sanity through balancing our thoughts. We have to let go of everything, and Let God. Pray, meditate and 12 D shield daily to maintain your sanity and energetic balance.

Stay the course of the Organic Ascension Timeline by reclaiming your heart based, inner spiritual identity as a Sovereign and Free, God being. Protect your aura by 12D shielding your body and staying informed, aware and alert of your surroundings. Follow your heart and be willing to go beyond the shadow of fear, facing the truth, making the inner choice to serve God’s plan of Freedom for All. Know with all of your heart which timeline you choose and commit to stay on that timeline, by continually affirming your dedication, and the consecration of your body, mind and spirit, to fully serve God’s Organic Laws and Ascension Plan.

On Alert

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