Flash In Space Like Nothing Seen Before! [Video]

Michelle Walling – Tyler from Secure Team shares information with us in this video about an unexplained phenomena that may be signaling something huge for planet Earth.  A pair of telescopes sitting on the big island of Hawaii that have recently captured a massive explosion of light emanating from deep space. According to Tyler, astronomers have no idea what it is or what caused it.

This massive explosion is said to come from around 200 million light years away and is 100 times brighter than the light that a supernova can produce, and is growing at an incredible rate of speed that is baffling scientists. Continue reading

Metaphysics: The Sacred Geometry of Unity Consciousness

“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” — Leonardo Da Vinci

timeEthan Indigo Smith – Most often when the term ‘four dimensions of geometry’ is mentioned, people generally assume the subject is about the mapping of a place in coordinates.

A coordinate in three-dimensional space is a point of intersection of three lines by way of three directions, or three dimensions. One line goes up and down, another goes forward and backward, and the third goes across, left and right. The lines can also be imagined as planes intersecting in the same manner, as pictured below.

When we talk of four dimensional geometry, the first three dimensions are spatial, and the fourth dimension is temporal — the dimension of time. Time, including the past, present and future, is the fourth dimension. With these four dimensions we can precisely point to a location in time and space, plotting the geometry of points, lines, planes and solids. Continue reading

The God Field

aether Owen K Waters – Cleanliness may be next to godliness, but curiosity gets you even closer. We were endowed with our Creator’s sense of curiosity and that is what bestows upon us the desire to understand the nature of reality.

In this article, you will see that a top-down, Creator-based philosophy can provide answers to the mysteries that elude materialistic science today. The key question one needs to ask to unravel the mysteries of the universe is to first say, “How did the Creator do that?”

By looking at Creation from the top down, this article will even provide the answer to two of the most vexing mysteries in the science of physics today: How is light transmitted and what is the nature of gravity?

Creation was achieved by separating Original Consciousness into two distinct aspects – Pure Thought and Pure Love, then setting them into complementary motion. It is the Pure Love aspect that is compressed into this physical realm as the field which forms the very fabric of space. Continue reading

Obligations, Excuses and Action

lifeJennifer Hoffman – To what extent are we obligated to others’ well-being, happiness, and security and do we have a choice in our obligations? In this article, which answers a question asked by a reader, I bring up the idea that meeting this obligations is something we can choose to do, or not and sometimes the obligation we assume can be the excuses we need to not move forward with our own lives.

Dear Jennifer:  It has taken me a long time but I’m learning to put my needs first. I am a single mother, with one daughter and I currently live with my mother, who is having many mental and health problems and is on lots of medications. My mother wants me to stay here with her, my daughter is the center of her world and her only motivation for living and although I want to leave, I am afraid that my mother won’t forgive me if I do, or she will ‘check out’. I don’t know what to do or where to turn now and while I feel like I need to move on, I need to take care of my mother and make sure she’s OK. Can you help me? Continue reading


timeSteve Rother – Greetings I am the Scientist of the Heart.

I have joined you this day for a very special purpose; to tell you a little bit about what is happening to you, to your physical bodies, to your spirit, to the next connection. We have also placed our five words in time. Rejoice! It’s a new game, ready? Let us join you and share a little bit about what is taking place everywhere on planet Earth.

22 Waves of Energy

There has been a rise in energy recently and with it new opportunities. That is an energy wave that is happening on your planet right now. Last year we told you there were four waves that were coming through to set in motion major changes. Most of you felt those four waves. Well now we tell you it is going to be a little bit more than that. Continue reading