The Sacred Energy Of Trees

Earth-Keeper Chronicles April 10 2013

tyberonn_sequoiaLord Metatron via James Tyberonn ~ Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome you in a vector of unconditional love. We acknowledge each of you reading these words in the now moment of your connection to the energetic vibration of this message.

An entourage of Spirit joins us in this moment with keen awareness of your individual energies. We assure you that as meaningful as these gatherings are to you, they are equally significant to us of the Angelic realm. These moments of sharing are offered not only to provide selective communiqués of stimulating information to you, but to provide light coded energy of unspoken nurturing that is taken in through your hearts and lovingly given from ours. Such energies are afforded to you, the present you and the becoming you. So we joyfully embrace you !

Dear Ones, take a moment, close your eyes and mentally visualize the Green Ray bathing your essence. We are joined now by the energy collective of the Plant Kingdom; indeed they are harbingers of the Green Ray, of healing and love.

Masters, we have spoken in previous sharing’s about the myriad benefits of energies projected via the mineral kingdom. Indeed crystals and minerals are of invaluable assistance to both humanity and the earth. In this channel we will discuss the benevolence of the plant kingdom, with emphasis on the energy of trees.

Of all of the living energies of the plant kingdom, trees are among the largest, and offer benefits that are numerous. Many of these advantages are not truly understood. Humanity recognizes their beauty and benefits, though the benefits are largely regarded merely as commodity resources. We tell you that trees are spiritual conduits, resonators and capacitors of incredible energy.

All trees are receivers and disseminators of energy from the Sun, Earth, Water and the Mineral Kingdoms. As such they are transmitting projectors of refined wave energy, frequencies of all that you term the 5 elements and as such are beneficial to both the Earth and Humanity and all life within and without, above and below. For Trees, more than any other members of the plant genre are spectral containments of all elements, dynamically existing in more than 3 dimensions of the Omni-Earth. The Arboreal indeed have a pyramidal hierarchy of life force and awareness. Accordingly certain trees are more advanced Beings than others, and as such offer a more efficacious and keen conscious dynamic. These have been duly recognized and acknowledged as sacred entities by more aware ancient societies.

The Giant Sequoia is energy unlike any other on the planet. These living ancient entities project a laminated field or layered aura, similar in stratified structure to that of humanity. They are self aware and project both an individualized and collective consciousness that is extremely unique and benevolent. These majestic beings are amassed in rare locations, and now grow naturally only in the western regions of North America.

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