All Of That And Then Some

sorendreier  October 1 2013

Heaven as a state of being… I like it. Heaven as a permanent state of being with no fall-downs… I’d like that even more! But for me, fall-downs happen… maybe for you too. So how do we get back into awareness of the divinity of ourselves and of all that is, after we’ve fallen?

Spiritual and metaphysical teachers give us a lot of methods for raising our energy, and they’re beautiful. They work! But in the denser states of illness or emotional distress, it’s not as easy as we may think to stop the mind from churning in order to effectively use the methods that we have learned and practiced.

So why do we fall? Could be the darkness of the world, or an assault from someone with ill intent, could be inner unresolved stuff, or could be simply ‘shit happens’. When it happens to us we can lose our connection. At that point we are not only suffering from the illness or the life situation, we experience a deep ‘not home’ spiritual discomfort as well.

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Realize It Is A Journey

April Crawford Inner Whispers May 14 2013

April CrawfordIn current culture there is a polite salutation that begins with “How are you doing?”

Most have a standard response that dismisses the question by stating a standard reply of “just fine”.

It is interesting to spiritual perspectives since most are absolutely not doing “just fine”.

We suggest taking your response a step further buy actually looking at the energy of your life and soul.

To respond out of hand leaves most void of probability, which is essential in creating one’s own reality.

Start by asking yourself “how you are”. Honestly answer, then actually seek remedy for anything that is unbalanced.

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The Matrix And Spirituality

Zen-Haven March 11 2013

Spiritually engaged people still find a contradiction between discovering the Matrix and their Spirituality.

Why is that so? Did they forget how they got it?

True or genuine spirituality is: Bringing together what is separated either internal or external or both.

The focus point of any free spirituality has always been an awakening.

And I am not advocating that one awakening is better than another, its spiritual elitism and the world has seen enough of that.

Maybe you awoke from atheism to “happy-go-lucky-with- the-elves”, or if you did the ashram in India routine, or became Christian or Muslim.

It´s your belief system and the most private room one can have.

Let’s respect that. The world won’t.

We are, as every living thing on this planet on a journey.

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