The Grand Strategy Of The Reptilians

James Bartley – This paper is meant to acquaint the reader with the tools they will need to raise their level of awareness about the abduction phenomenon and allow them to avoid the misfortunes which are common to many abductees.

My name is James Bartley and I am a colleague of Eve Lorgen’s. I am an abductee. I am a student of military history and have studied the occult connection with the UFO phenomenon.

We humans reside in what is essentially a reptilian sphere of influence. The symbology of the reptilian overlordship is all around us. Phallic worship and the marginalization of the feminine principle have reduced the human race to what it is today, a thundering herd of bewildered sheep.

The Grand Strategy of the reptilians has been to divide and conquer the human race by exploiting inherent vulnerabilities and weaknesses within us. I know this is a bitter pill to have to swallow but we must be mature enough to look the facts in the eye and not allow ourselves to be held in perpetual spiritual bondage by our own ignorance and wishful thinking. The strategy of divide and conquer manifest itself both in our personal lives and on a global macrocosmic scale.

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