Are Statins Safe? Millions Tricked Into Ingesting Harmful Pills

Natural Society October 28 2012

cholesterolWhen unknowing patients go to their doctor and are found to have high cholesterol or heart disease risk factors, they are usually given a pill rather than given instructions on how to reverse the conditions naturally. And that pill they are given is usually a statin. But, research is showing that these drugs do more harm than good—despite doctors doling them out in increasing and alarming numbers.

Are Statins Safe?

According to the Harvard Health blogmore than half of American men between the ages of 65 and 74 and 39% of women over the age of 74 are on statin drugs. That’s huge, and accounts for millions of older adults. What’s so frightening about this isn’t that these people might have high cholesterol and be at risk for heart disease (the cholesterol myth has been debunked, by the way), but that the statins they are taking could actually be making things worse.

A study recently published in Atherosclerosis found that statins actually increase the risk of calcified arteries. This doesn’t just mean a little plaque—it means the plaque has gotten so bad, it is in the latter stages of hardening of the arteries.

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