Trump picks Bannon for NSC

nscDr. Steve Pieczenik – Bannon was appointed to the NSC as part of the ‘principals committee’. In the process, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence [DNI] were accordingly downgraded. The latter two would attend a NSC meeting “when the council is considering issues in their direct areas of responsibilities.” [NY Times, 1/30/17].

What happened after this particular announcement was a cacophony of discontent and anger. The Democratic operative, ex-Congressman Leon Panetta, a former WH chief of staff, defense secretary, and DCI said the following inane statement [not unusual for this California self-aggrandizer hypocrite]:

“The last place you want to put somebody who worries about politics is in a room where they’re talking about national security.” [NY Times, 1/30/17].

None other than the ineffectual National Cathedral, Brookings, mulatto beauty, Susan Rice, who failed to save 1 million slaughtered Tutsi/Hutu in the Rwanda Genocide [under POTUS Clinton] tweeted this message:

“Stone cold crazy!” [again, NYTimes]

This comment comes from a completely ineffectual national security advisor who lied publicly about the Benghazi, Libya massacre of our ambassador and other relevant overt/covert operatives. Rice supported her female boss, Hillary, in initiating a disastrous invasion of Libya to affect a regime change which went awry. This disaster fueled the spread of terrorism and refugees [over 4million] all over North Africa, right into the heart of Europe. Neither Rice, nor her bosses: Obama, Panetta, Bill/Hillary had ever been trained in warfare, crisis management, or regime change.

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Fear and Loathing Inside The Deep State

Larchmonter445 – Everyone in the Deep State is threatened by the Trump Presidency. The Deep State understands that power, funding, ideological stratagems and domination of government, media, academia, think tanks and NGOs are in the ‘field of fight’, to use the book title by a prime target the Deep State intends to destroy in order to save itself from Trump.

bannonLt. General (ret.) Michael T. Flynn, three-star expert in Military Intelligence, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), counselor to Trump for the last fifteen months, is a vital Trump ally the Deep State is attempting to discredit.

We have seen the one-week ferocious political and media attack on Stephen Bannon, begun the instant that Bannon was named Trump’s number one strategist-advisor. Bannon is the theologian of Drain the Swamp, the Trump policy to rid the system of corruption and catastrophically disastrous policies and bureaucrat enablers.

To understand Steve Bannon, take the time to read this transcription or listen to the audio Q&A from a 2014 event in the Vatican. He lays out his philosophical agenda, and used the 2016 campaign to advance his war on the Elites.

Drain the Swamp pertains to more than getting the corruption out of the system.

Steve Bannon

Bannon now has Trump’s full backing to destroy the UniParty, defeat the Globalists, banish the warmongers of the MIC and help the legal prosecution of the corrupt. This is the Revolution to end the domestic Tyranny and the global Hegemon.

The usual weapons of personal destruction have been launched at Bannon to destroy him and to deprive Trump of his most effective counselor and field Marshall. Bannon has been branded a racist, an anti-semite, a white supremacist, an Islamophobe and a misogynist. In every forum and media outlet, the meme of Bannon being the worst human on the planet played as intensively as how the Dems attacked Trump during the campaign.

Relentless lies, chorused by every host, talking head, and hater of every value Trump and Bannon had campaigned for were spewed on Bannon’s name. All fabricated, most based on a few headlines written by Milo Yiannopoulos in, alt right agitprop pieces constructed to collect reader clicks, revenues for Breitbart and fame for Milo. Bannon as chief of Breitbart was then scourged for those headlines. Mockery by Milo used against Steve Bannon.

It was all the Media needed. But the Deep State directed it for good reason. Bannon is the Pale Rider coming to destroy them.


Steve Bannon is dedicated to cleansing government and the financial system controlled by all those who have reigned over the foreign regime changes, the transfer of middle class wealth and income to Wall Street, paper wealth from derivatives to hedge fund and corporate global leaders, trillions to the 0.01% elites, all of whom populate the Ultra Wealthy Class, a new feudalism of billionaires and millionaires.

Bannon’s life long credentials and work with Jews, Blacks, females and Muslims eventually helped stifle the Media excesses. But the vicious branding may stick long after the inauguration.

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