Angel Messages For May 23 – 29, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – You take back your power this week, and you trust and follow your inner truth. You become your own authority figure who decides what is right for you.

The intense energies lately have stressed you to the point where you’ve decided to take charge of your life . . . and you do!

From the Indigo Angel Oracle Cards with Charles Virtue at:

SF Source Doreen Virtue  May 2016

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Your Breath Is A Powerful Healer

breathMary O’Malley – Breath is one of the most powerful healing tools you have and it is right under your nose (pun intended!), yet most of us are not aware of how to use it to heal ourselves to our core. Your breath can calm your mind and soothe your emotions and it definitely nourishes every single cell in your body. But, if you are like most people, you are a shallow breather. Why? Because when you were young and you got scared, confused or hurt, you held onto your breath, closed your heart, and took up residence in your head. When you take shallow breaths, you are limiting your intake of oxygen, which decreases your life force. Holding onto your breath also turns on the fight or flight part of your nervous system which tightens you, so you hold on more and then you find yourself in a vicious circle of struggle.

When you can learn to open your breath again, your nervous system calms down and your heart can open. As you experience long, slow, rhythmic breaths, your whole being begins to relax and let go. Try it for a few minutes right now. Take a moment and dip the finger of your attention into the river of your experience and simply notice what you are experiencing. Then imagine a lit candle floating in the air a few inches in front of your mouth. Breathe in through your nostrils and out through your mouth, blowing out the candle. (Of course, it is a trick candle that immediately lights again!) After a few minutes, let go of the candle breath and notice what you are experiencing right now. It is amazing how much a minute or so of longer out-breaths can calm you and bring energy and vitality to your whole being.  Continue reading

Vitamin C For Taming Tension, Burning Fat, And Much More

Science Daily reports that a team at the University of Alabama (Huntsville) found that rats who were fed 200 mg/day vitamin C experienced reduced levels of plasma stress hormones, as well as lowered indicators of physical and emotional stress.” – C Wright

If you have undesirable fat around your midsection or would like to support cardiovascular health or reduce diabetic symptoms, vitamin C can help. Not only does it improve stamina, boost immunity, lessen stress response and curtail inflammation, but it also encourages insulin sensitivity and lowers concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) — a biomarker which suggests heart disease risk.

A case in point is research from the University of California (Berkeley), which found participants who took approximately 500 milligrams of vitamin C each day experienced a 24 percent drop in plasma CRP levels after two months of the protocol. According to a press release:

“C-reactive protein is a marker of inflammation, and there is a growing body of evidence that chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease,” said Gladys Block, UC Berkeley professor of epidemiology and public health nutrition and lead author of the study. “If our finding of vitamin C’s ability to lower CRP is confirmed through other trials, vitamin C could become an important public health intervention.”

As a defense against infection or injury, the body triggers inflammatory cytokines, which then prompts the production of CRP by the liver. The researchers are unsure as to how vitamin C is able to lower CRP levels but suspect that the mechanism might be the suppression of cytokine production. Continue reading

Experts: Just 9 Of These A Day Can ‘Bust Stress Levels’

walnutsAre you stressed? Although much of our daily stress comes from financial burdens and relationship issues, sometimes something as simple as dietary adjustments can help make a difference. Even the smallest of foods can deliver some big results. According to a Penn State University study, eating a handful of walnuts every day can prepare your body to deal with stress and anxiety more efficiently.

For the study, researchers looked specifically at walnuts and walnut oil due to the tree nut containing polyunsaturated fats. These types of healthful fats influence our blood pressure both when we are at rest, and when we are feeling the pressure of a crazy day. People with an exaggerated response to stress often have higher risks for many diseases, including heart disease.

Looking at walnut omega 3-fatty acids, researchers wanted to know exactly how plant-derived fats would curb the cardiovascular response to stress. Twenty-two healthy adults with elevated LDL cholesterol ate three different diets, depending on the groups they were assigned, for six weeks. Continue reading