Ways To Avoid Letting Your Stress Get Out Of Control

If there’s one habit to practice, it’s that you continuously reduce the amount of stress you’re dealing with on a daily basis. Too much worry will soon have you feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts.

irisinYou risk your health and well-being suffering when you don’t attend to what’s on your mind and work to proactively slow racing thoughts. Life is hectic, and it’s possible you’re juggling many different responsibilities at once. While it’s good to be busy and stay active, you don’t want to overdo it, or you may find yourself exhausted and that it’s difficult to function on a regular basis.

Open up & be Vulnerable

Don’t be afraid to open up and talk to someone when you feel like you’re in over your head. Release stress in a healthy manner by being vulnerable and letting others in regarding what’s bothering you. It’s likely they’ll have some sound advice for you and will be able to relate to what you’re going through on some level.

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Breathing Practice to Calm Your Mind

calm mindNick Polizzi – Today we’re going to embark on a journey into India – to learn a powerful breathing practice that’s easy to do. It will calm your heart and quiet your mind…

The technique is called Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, or alternate nostril breathing. In Sanskrit, the word “Nadi” means channel or flow, the word “Shodhana” means clarifying or purifying, and “Pranayama” means to take control of one’s breath. Continue reading

How To Have Your Own Personal Zen Master Anytime You Descend Into Stress

stressRichard Enos – When you look at a true spiritual master, guru or yogi, one of the most remarkable things you might notice is that they don’t seem to experience stress. You might conclude that they arrive at this state through meditation, fasting, prayer, or other such disciplines. This is only partly true.

Those spiritual practices can certainly contribute to stress reduction, but their ultimate effect is to support the maintenance of one key thought that spiritual masters hold in their minds (and bodies) with unfailing certainty. Continue reading

Subpersonalities: The Enemies Inside Your Mind

SubpersonalitiesHelen Elizabeth Williams – Do you feel these inner voices hampering your abilities? Understand where these thoughts stem from, by understanding your subpersonalities.

We all have these inner voices, these subtle yet ever-present voices that dwell within our minds. Unfortunately, for many, these voices become self-defeating and sabotaging, which plays a huge influence in hampering their capabilities.

Since a lot of us don’t understand the source of these voices, they become one of the major obstacles in self-actualization and fulfillment. Continue reading

Powerful Ways To Calm Your Mind

magnesiumNick Polizzi – We are living through tumultuous times. Between wildfires, viruses and pockets of violence around the world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. I know I do.

Alarming footage is everywhere, there’s a hodgepodge of different ideas, and it seems like everyone is on edge.

That’s why it is incredibly important to cultivate a few practices that will calm and center you – within minutes.

If you’re in a constant state of fight-or-flight, your body’s vital processes slowly shut down, and your immune and digestive systems are the first to suffer. BUT – if you can catch yourself in those challenging moments before they turn into anxiety, your body can bounce back quickly! Continue reading