Why Organic Food is Not Only Good for the Body, But the Mind and Soul Too

organic foodCarolanne Wright – In this day and age, most are aware that organic food is better for the health of people and the planet. With increasing levels of exposure to toxins in the environment — like the burning of fossil fuels and industrial waste — now more than ever, it’s important to consume a clean diet to keep the body healthy and strong. But while organic food consumption is on the rise, we still have much to learn about the overall benefits for personal and collective health, not only on a physical level, but also mentally and, some say, spiritually too.

The Rise of Cancer, ADHD and Endocrine Disorders

In 1962, Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring brought the problem of pesticides into the limelight, educating the general public about the exceptional dangers of these chemicals to our health and the environment. Decades later, we may not be in as much active contact with DDT, but we’re exposed to equally harmful pesticides in greater concentrations — much more so than in the past. The Toxics Action Center offers a sobering insight into the issue: Continue reading