Growing Love… and Kale

Growing Love... and Kale
Ann Albers

The Angels – When we gaze at you, we understand your challenges, but our focus never wavers from love. We never let our focus rest upon your problems or your challenges. Instead, we focus all our love and attention on your most amazing future and what you are creating. To us, this isn’t really the future. It is an energetic reality, that exists here and now.

Suppose you were in an airplane and you looked at a car below. Suppose you knew the driver was agonizing about how to reach a destination. From your vantage point in the plane you could easily see the path. If you could you would want to encourage the driver. “Turn this way. You’ve got this! You can do it! I see it!” Continue reading

How To Overcome Mental Barriers to Success

How To Overcome Mental Barriers to SuccessAmelia Harris – Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained thought patterns or perceptions that hold us back from achieving our full potential. These self-imposed beliefs create invisible walls around us, constricting our growth and stifling our aspirations. They act as relentless gatekeepers, preventing us from venturing into uncharted territories and embracing the endless possibilities that lie before us.

Like invisible shackles, they confine us to the familiar and comfortable, leaving us yearning for something more but hesitant to break free. However, by embarking on the transformative journey of identifying and challenging these limiting beliefs, we can liberate ourselves from their suffocating grasp and pave the way to a life of fulfillment and success. Continue reading

Black Americans Have ‘Never Had It So Good’, Says Ben Stein

Black Americans Have 'Never Had It So Good'Selwyn Duke – Recently, actor-cum-commentator Ben Stein was condemned in media for touting the “progress” the U.S. has made and saying that black Americans “never had it so good.” One website called his remarks a “racist rant” even though he was, in keeping with his personality, just calmly expressing his opinion. The worst thing about this story, though, isn’t that Stein may become a cancel-culture casualty.

In fact, the matter reminds me of philosopher G.K. Chesterton’s observation that the worst aspect of duels wasn’t that someone might die, but that they settled nothing about who was right or wrong. For as is always the case with these matters, Stein is criticized only for making a politically incorrect assertion involving race — and could suffer reputational and career death because of it — when the real issue is this: was he correct or not? Continue reading

Things Your Soul is Telling You

Things Your Soul is Telling YouSeth M – When your soul is trying to speak to you, it’s generally a good idea to listen.

This is because our souls are our most powerful, complete and ultimate form of being. It’s always trying to help you grow and connect with the world around you.

Sometimes we try to ignore what it’s saying, or feel that we simply don’t have the time to sort through any unresolved issues it’s bringing back up. But, we need to give our souls and its desires the attention it deserves. Continue reading

To Be Truly Successful

physicalVeronica – Allow your soul to have input into your reality. It may mean the letting go of dramatic outcomes, which in most cases is difficult.

Keep your focus in the realm of the vast probabilities that spirit offers. Do not settle for a linear outcome that is void of your spiritual perspective.

Enjoy the physical reality and the experience it has to offer while residing in the expansive realms of spirit. One does not have choose one or the other. A beautiful tapestry of both can be woven.

Just remember that what is experienced in the linear is a mere fragment of the totality of you.

A few tidbits for thought:

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