Four Most Dangerous Toxins To The Brain

“Robert Nash, M.D.,  suggests that the toxic effects of mercury can cause a broad spectrum of brain-related diseases including autism, Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and neurodevelopmental diseases.” ~D. Henry

A healthy mind is a terrible thing to lose, but due to man-made chemicals, the threat of brain function destruction is always present. These are potentially the most offensive perpetrators to the mind, but the good news is that there are easy ways to avoid them.


DeadlyToxinsThe decision to add fluoride to most public drinking water systems as a way to fight tooth decay has perhaps had the most insidious and widespread effect on the brains of people across North America.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has reported on a study which found that fluoride is linked to lower IQ, even at the ranges added to U.S. water supplies. In all, FAN said that 34 studies now link fluoride to lower IQ levels in humans, while many other studies link fluoride to learning and memory impairment, fetal brain damage and altered neurobehavioral function.

One study sponsored by UNICEF found that IQ was reduced at just 0.88 mg/l of fluoride, a level that is considered within optimal range and is added to U.S. drinking water systems that serve over 200 million Americans every day.

Removing fluoride from your water supply is often as simple as installing a high-quality water filter.

Heavy metals

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Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses Benefits

NaturalSociety June 21 2013

Superfoods are considered super because they are more nutrient dense than most other foods. One superfood, unsulphured blackstrap molasses, is among numerous superfoods receiving little recognition when it should be in everyone’s home. Read on to learn about blackstrap molasses benefits and what this superfood actually is.

Ironically, molasses is the byproduct or “waste” from processing sugar cane into unhealthful table sugar. Refined table sugar creates blood sugar and insulin instability while providing no nutrients. It actually robs nutrients, especially minerals, out of the body if consumed enough.

Once sugar canes are harvested, machines are used to press the juice out of the cane. Sugar cane roots go very deeply into the soil, often 15 feet down or more. That’s enough to bypass nutritionally depleted topsoil, which has become the norm with monoculture and chemically induced agriculture.

That juice is boiled then put through centrifugal machinery to extract the sugar crystals. Sun ripened sugar cane is processed without using sulphur, which is less than ideal for human consumption.

Read:  The Many Benefits of Coconut Oil

A third boiling necessary to extract table sugar from sugar cane produces a thick dark substance known as blackstrap molasses, which is the most nutrient dense of all.

Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses Health Benefits

It is well established that synthetically derived or composed mineral supplements are not as beneficial as nutritionally dense whole food sources. Enzymes and minerals are even more important than vitamins for our health.

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Top Ten Natural Remedies That Burn Fat

NaturalNews  March 20 2013

High-fructose corn syrupObesity and weight loss have become major issues again. This time, the focus is more on health than appearance. The weight loss era of fad diets encouraging artificial sweeteners and margarine while discouraging healthy fats is dwindling.

The more visceral fat you have surrounding your abdominal cavity organs, the more vulnerable you are to metabolic syndrome leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), various coronary diseases, and some cancers.

Those fats do more than surround or suppress internal organs, they can also excrete toxins.

You can determine your obesity levels from the first three sources below. Whether you are simply overweight, marginally obese, or morbidly obese, you can adjust your life style eating habits and try some or all of the following natural remedies.

(1) Eat slowly without tension or anxiety and chew more than usual, allowing salivary enzymes to accrue. Put your attention on the food more than rambling mind or people chatter. Digestion begins in the mouth.

(2) Eat out much less and completely avoid fast food joints. Avoid fried foods.

(3) Eliminate most sugars and all HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), which may be disguised as corn syrup. HFCS is worse than sugar for creating stored fats and affecting the liver adversely.

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