Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses Benefits

NaturalSociety June 21 2013

Superfoods are considered super because they are more nutrient dense than most other foods. One superfood, unsulphured blackstrap molasses, is among numerous superfoods receiving little recognition when it should be in everyone’s home. Read on to learn about blackstrap molasses benefits and what this superfood actually is.

Ironically, molasses is the byproduct or “waste” from processing sugar cane into unhealthful table sugar. Refined table sugar creates blood sugar and insulin instability while providing no nutrients. It actually robs nutrients, especially minerals, out of the body if consumed enough.

Once sugar canes are harvested, machines are used to press the juice out of the cane. Sugar cane roots go very deeply into the soil, often 15 feet down or more. That’s enough to bypass nutritionally depleted topsoil, which has become the norm with monoculture and chemically induced agriculture.

That juice is boiled then put through centrifugal machinery to extract the sugar crystals. Sun ripened sugar cane is processed without using sulphur, which is less than ideal for human consumption.

Read:  The Many Benefits of Coconut Oil

A third boiling necessary to extract table sugar from sugar cane produces a thick dark substance known as blackstrap molasses, which is the most nutrient dense of all.

Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses Health Benefits

It is well established that synthetically derived or composed mineral supplements are not as beneficial as nutritionally dense whole food sources. Enzymes and minerals are even more important than vitamins for our health.

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Discover The Seven Most Nutrient-Dense Foods On Earth

NaturalNews May 22 2013

Aloe veraThe superfood tag is awarded to nutrient-dense foods, which pack more nutrients or antioxidants per bite than most other foods. Superfoods are food, not just nutritional extracts, minerals, or vitamins sold as supplements to food, such as B complex capsules, etc.

One may survive on a couple of superfoods, but as meals they aren’t very fulfilling. Nevertheless, as foods, the body accepts them more easily than most extracted supplements. So eat good food with added superfoods as well.

Here are seven to consider

(1) Chlorella is treated by most as a supplement. But it is a food, actually. Around the end of WW II, it was considered as a solution for world hunger because it’s so easy to culture and harvest from fresh water ponds or man-made pools.

That idea was abandoned because chlorella cell walls were too tough to digest. But a technique has been developed to break the cell walls mechanically without damaging the algae.

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Seven Amazing Spring Superfoods

NaturalNews May 2 2013

NutritionIn Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), spring is a time for rejuvenation and regeneration. Outdoor nature reflects this as foliage returns and flowers blossom while birds fill the air with their celebratory singing.

We should also follow this seasonal event by practicing dietary cleansing and rejuvenation. TCM considers spring to correlate with the liver. So foods that help cleanse the liver are appropriate, in addition to using liver herbs dandelion and milk thistle as extract supplements or teas.

The foods that are harvested during spring are the most appropriate. Make sure they’re organic if they’re in the EWG’s (Environmental Working Group) Dirty Dozen. If listed in EWG’s Clean Fifteen you can save a couple of bucks (http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/).

Here are those seven springtime food tips

(1) Sweet potato or yams are year-round superfoods. Not many are aware of how much nutrition is packed into these inexpensive veggies, but they are packed with nutrition. And TCM has them in its spring foods list.

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4 Ancient Superfoods And Their Timeless Benefits

Natural Society | October 3 2012

Though the term “super food” has only been in circulation in recent years, the idea of super-nutritious and life giving foods have been around since the beginning of time. As a matter of fact, it’s likely that ancient man had a far better idea of what true superfoods are than what we gather as we wade through aisles of cans and boxes, seeking out those things that are in their most natural forms. Still, today anyone can compile a hefty superfoods list for the next shopping day.

Ancient Superfoods for Your Superfoods List

There are foods that have been around for centuries, even millennia. And many of these foods are just as good now as they were then. So which foods should be on your superfoods list? Here are some timeless superfoods that you should include in your diet today:

  • Quinoa – You’ve likely heard of it because it’s experienced a growing resurgence in the past few years. But, quinoa has been around for ages. The Incas of South America refer to this food as chisaya mama, or the mother of all grains. It’s high in protein, calcium, and iron, and is very versatile. Cook with herbs and diced veggies or form with legumes and seasonings into veggie patties. Due to it’s high protein content, it is great to help makeup a high protein vegetarian diet, and can be used with natural remedies for hair loss and hair thinning.
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