How To Manifest Anything Through Your Oceanic Existence

Jafree Ozwald | November 18 2012

“Be not bewildered. Do not strain yourself to understand all life’s mysteries at once. Accept each one as it comes and fit it into the jigsaw puzzle, knowing that bit by bit each piece will be shown to you and will fit into place perfectly.” ~Eileen Caddy

The Universe is a cosmic soup of pure energy and consciousness which we are all intimately connected with. Everything is made of energy. Your house, your body, the air you’re breathing, and the ground your home stands on is all pure energy vibrating at various speeds and densities. It has the appearance of being solid and unmovable, yet this is the greatest illusion of all. Once you crack through this illusion and know the energetic truth of reality, you start feeling the interconnected nature of everything and can start manifesting anything you want at pure will. You can ask the conscious Oceanic existence for something specific to form for you, and it will soon fulfill your request because it doesn’t feel you as a separate living entity anymore. The more you relax and merge with the Ocean the more you can see how your beliefs intimately create your reality.

The reason you can manifest anything and everything you can imagine is because the Ocean is always listening to you. Your innermost desires, thoughts and intentions are generated within the Ocean, by the Ocean and you are never ever separate from it. You are like a drop of water that has believed it was a snowflake, cold distant and separate from the vast cosmic loving Ocean. The truth is you cannot separate anything from the infinite Ocean of the Universe. It is intimately a part of you and you are intimately a part of it forever.

Being non-separate from the Universe means there is only one vast consciousness. There truly is no plural to consciousness, there is only one Ocean of consciousness and we are all swimming in that. There of course is the illusion of a separated individuated self, an ego with boundaries, fears, limitations and worries, yet you cannot take this personally. It is a purposeful delusion your soul set up and is meant to propel you deeper into merging with the Oceanic existence within you. If you don’t relax and merge, you soon begin suffering in some way. This is the Universe’s way of providing loving “feedback”, assisting you to move deeper to the core of your being which is the most enlightened direction you can go.

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