What the Current Energies Are Doing to Your Bodies

What the Current Energies Are Doing to Your BodiesDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in the way you are all assimilating the current energies. We are noticing how many of you are using the current energies to release blockages that are inside of your energy bodies and your physical bodies.

We are noticing how many of you are more in the flow with the energies of this moment, and that is due to the changes that you have made in terms of your thoughts and beliefs. Many of you are capable at this time of letting go of the idea that you have to do it all and that you have to do it all through action.

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Surrender To Your Divinity

birdsInFlightAndTreeJafree Ozwald – The word surrender is often greatly misunderstood. It is not about “giving up,” failing at life or losing anything.

Surrender is one of the most beautiful experiences life offers, and it is much more enlightening than you can imagine. Surrender frees you from any suffering you are experiencing…instantly!

Surrender is the gentle release of your ego’s constant effort to get someone “better” than here now. It is bowing down to the Divine essence with yourself in this now moment. It is what liberates you from your ego and allows you to instantly manifest the radically joyful life that you deserve and desire. Continue reading

Surrender Your Life To Love

“Man cannot discover new oceans, until he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Unknown

surrenderJafree Ozwald – There are as many different ways to approach life as there are people living on this planet. The one path that is flawless and transcends all the others, is that of unconditional love.

Just by letting yourself be fully submerged for even one moment in pure love, can you instantly feel like you are re-born! Totally fresh and new, ever-present, you begin vibrating at a higher level of consciousness and perceiving things as they really are. Continue reading

Aligning with a fast flow

The Angels – A massive stream of love is flowing into your dimension at this time. The past few years have caused countless individuals to pray for so much better upon your earth. While the Divine is always sending you a mighty stream of love, it is you who decide how much to allow into your reality. Right now, the human race is asking for more love than ever before and, at the same time, wobbling between accepting and resisting it.

This is why you see so much chaos right now. This is why some of you feel such fatigue. As clearly as a boulder causes turbulence in a swiftly flowing stream, resisting love also causes turbulence in your lives and your world. Continue reading

Reinventing You

Inspire Me Today – People reinvent for different reasons: to get a better life, to be more respected, to make more money, to be happier, to get a stronger body, to find a better relationship, to know God, or to make life more interesting.

If your ears perk up when you hear about the lawyer who gave it all up to become a fashion designer or the auditor who ditched her accounting firm to start her own pet clothing company, and you wonder how they did it – reinvention is the answer. Continue reading