Need Support? Surrender To Spirit

InspireMeToday  November 19 2013

I had a stroke in the summer of 2011, which, as crazy as this may seem to some, I feel was a gift from heaven for the wisdom I have gained. As I round the bend on the last leg of my healing, the greatest pearl of wisdom I would like to impart is about surrendering.

It’s about “letting go and letting God.” We have all heard that saying, but I feel it truly doesn’t resonate with someone until they can deeply feel it in their heart. And although I used to “mouth” these words before my stroke, I didn’t really “feel” it until after my stroke, when my life changed drastically.

My massage therapist has a wonderful plaque above his massage table that says, “The power that created the body can heal the body.” Oh, so true!

If we surrender to the power of Spirit (God, Providence, our Creator, the Universe, Allah or however you define the Higher Power), miracles can happen. When I speak of the Higher Power, I am speaking about that god/dess essence that is in all of us, our own inner Divinity… that source of all creation that connects all of us.

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