Strategic Syria Policy Now Lies With Tillerson and Lavrov

Colonel W. Patrick Lang – No, we are not referring to James Comey’s dismissal (though this too, does reflect a change of mode). Perhaps we should have paid closer attention to Roger Stone, a long-time friend of the President, and his erstwhile campaign manager, who insists, and insists trenchantly, that Trump is his ‘own man’. Those who think Trump can be manipulated are mistaken, Stone says. They misread the terrain, and subsequently will find that they are mistaken. No, by ‘change of gear’, we refer rather, to the Astana-Syria talks.

In all the dust kicked up in Washington over Comey, Astana has passed largely unnoticed. But there (Astana), the ‘gear change’ is substantive and merits close attention.

In gist, Trump is willing to let Astana unfold, and to see whether it may lead to a strategic change in the Syrian situation. Two things emerge from this: Firstly, Russia and Iran are being tested by Trump. Ideological prejudices are being suspended for the moment, and both countries will be judged by their actions. (I think both states will stand content with this situation).

Donald TrumpThe second shift of mode, concerns certain (but not all) of Trump’s military advisers. The latter have been quite prominent in the formulation of US foreign policy until now.

 No more (at least in Syria). There can be no doubt — strategic Syria policy now lies with Rex Tillerson and Sergei Lavrov, who have been mandated to follow up the Astana de-escalation process.

And in the recent talks in Astana, unlike before, the US had a senior diplomat attend and observe the talks – an Assistant Secretary of State. In brief, the baton has passed from the Generals Mattis and McMaster, from the sphere of military intervention primarily, to the primacy of negotiations.

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The Media’s Missing the Point: Syria, Empire and the Power of Signaling

signalingCharles Hugh Smith – It seems many media observers are confused by events in Syria and the swirl of competing narratives. Did the Swamp drain Trump? Did the Neocons succeed in forcing Trump to follow their lead? Is the U.S. ramping up yet another endless war?

Consider the possibility that none of these narratives actually get to the heart of what’s going on. To make sense of all this, we’re going to have to delve into topics far below today’s headlines.

I think Ilargi (The Automatic Earth) got it right in his recent essay Symbols of Strength, in which he proposed that the entire cruise-missile exercise had little to do with Syria and everything to do with signaling Trump’s willingness to use force to China’s President Xi Jinping.

Signaling is a term that is currently much in vogue. I used it in my recent essays Virtue-Signaling the Decline of the Empire (February 28, 2017) and It’s What’s Happening Beneath the Surface That Matters.

The original idea of signaling, drawn from economist Michael Spence’s job-market signaling model, has become confused with communication.

Spence proposed the notion that a college degree bridges the asymmetrical information gap between employer and employee: the employer has a tough time obtaining useful information on the qualifications and intelligence of job applicants. A college degree signals employers that the applicant is perseverent enough to get through 4+ years of college, and has enough intelligence (and work ethic) to earn the diploma.

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Trump Attacks Syria, Spying on Trump Worse than Watergate, Fed Dumping Debt [Video]

Greg Hunter – The “War Card” has been flipped over as President Trump orders an attack on Syria. The attack came as a response to the chemical weapons attack in Syria allegedly by the Assad regime.  Not everyone is buying the story it was Assad that ordered a gas attack on his own people.  Former Congressman Ron Paul thinks it was a false flag to get the U.S. to make a move against Assad.  Now, the U.S. foreign policy in Syria has gone from destroying ISIS to removing Bashar al-Assad from power in Syria.  Russia will surely weigh in.  Will the Russians stand by and allow Assad to be attacked and removed by the U.S.?

One of President Obama’s top advisors has admitted to “unmasking” members of the Trump transition team. Rice says she did nothing wrong and did not do it for political reasons.  Republicans think differently and say Rice should testify under oath because this is a huge Constitutional crisis of an outgoing administration spying on an incoming administration to embarrass and undermine it.  Other former top Obama Administration officials have also admitted to spying on Trump and leaking classified information.  The spying was done for the so-called Russian collusion investigation, but after 8 months, the FBI and investigators have zero to show and no wrongdoing has been found. Continue reading

Chemical Weapons 2017: What Just Happened In Syria?

weaponsBrandon Turbeville – Yet again, on cue, the Western corporate press is on fire with stories of “Assad’s brutality,” and “chemical weapons” attacks against civilians. Obviously, the United States, NATO, and their media mouthpieces are united in condemnation of the Assad government and the Syrian military despite their being no evidence that it committed the attacks. Indeed, the Western powers may blame Assad all they want but all the available credible evidence suggests that the deployment of chemical weapons this time around, like all the others before it, was the work of terrorists and their supporters.

But the evidence does not matter to propagandists and, despite the public appearance that the U.S. President is battling the Deep State apparatus, it seems now that the Deep State and the head of the country are now finally reading from the same page.

The Incident

According to a flurry of reports, an incident occurred on April 4, 2017 in Idlib, Syria in the village of Khan Sheikhoun, where it has been reported that chemical weapons were used or detonated resulting in the death of at least 58 people including 11 children. And that is all we know about the incident. We do not know it was an attack. We do not know it was an accident. We only know that whatever happened has been turned into an international incident aimed at demonizing the Assad government and testing Russia in Syria yet again.

Assad and the Syrian Government Denies Using Chemical Weapons

For its part, the Syrian government has categorically denied launching chemical weapons against civilians or terrorists in Idlib. Russia has reaffirmed that the Syrian military is innocent of the charges brought by the West with a military source telling al-Masdar News that the army “has not and does not use them, not in the past and not in the future, because it does not have them in the first place.”

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