Thinking Outside a Broken Box

taurusSarah Varcas – Uranus enters Taurus on 6th March 2019 (UT). The planet of radical disruption, unpredictable events and liberating discontinuity in the zodiac sign known for its stubborn resistance to change promises to keep us all on our toes! Since May 2010 when Uranus first entered Aries, there’s been a certain amount of leeway available for the more impulsive among us.

Aries is fast to act, quick to change, always ready to begin something new: if the first attempt didn’t work out let’s try this, then that. It doesn’t hang around for the long haul, trying to force blood from a stone. And it doesn’t hold our mistakes against us! Taurus, on the other hand, is intransigent, eager to stick on the same path no matter what. Uranus here is just as radical and disruptive as ever, but the consequences of impetuous decisions and ill-considered plans may stick around a whole lot longer. Continue reading

New Moon is Wednesday, April 26 at 6:16 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

energyPatricia Liles – We can all use the wisdom of Taurus extolling the virtues of slowing down and smelling the daisies. After the huge rush of energy with the season change in March and the multiple retrogrades of April, we can tune in to Taurus’ earthy element and learn about relaxation and loving what is.


Yes, Taurus is ruled by the heart-centered, pleasure-loving Venus, and when you add this to the Earth element, we get to bring energy right down into the practical realm of the physical world and especially our body and senses. Consider also Venus rules finances, so Taurus is focused on resources, financial assets, building and stabilizing wealth, owning and developing in the physical plane to realize STABILITY.

With Taurus, we focus on what has value for us. After all, money is just a symbolic energy. What we do with it is fueled by what we value whether it’s comfort, security, connection, power, or freedom. Where we have Taurus in our charts is where we want to put our resources and where we will be a strong force for solid values. What treasure are you claiming? Ask yourself, ‘what am I owning in my life?’

This Taurus New Moon cycle is a time to honor the body, the senses and their gifts, to enjoy social connection and the healing energy of being in nature, to experience the uplifting and expansive energy of artistic endeavors and performance. Taurus likes to work hard and enjoy the pleasures of life ~ good food and drink, security of family and friends, the feeling of a job well done. Taurus rules the throat and the voice, so open your voice to sing, give praise, use mantra, tell the truth, laugh whole-heartedly.

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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, June 2, 2016

taurusI will be back will a full report tomorrow, everyone.  In the meantime, Tuesday’s post is worth a re-read today.  Venus re-activates the degree of the Sun’s location on Tuesday, and the Grand Cross is building in strength as we approach Saturday’s New Moon.  Scroll down for Tuesday’s entry.

Note also that the Moon is now in Taurus, aspecting the Black Moon as it does two times each month.  Here is a reminder about his energetic, as discussed yesterday:

When the Moon enters Taurus, it will begin opposing the Black Moon in Scorpio.  Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio (opposite signs) experience one of the stages of rebirth that they are under until Valentine’s Day 2017.  This is our first experience with the Moon in Taurus since the Black Moon moved into Scorpio, so we will see how this is.  Everyone’s shadow side is faced in one way or another and to one degree or another when the Moon and Black Moon are interacting.  Projection of one’s one feelings onto others is the modus operandi.  Issues related to insecurities and losses are in focus.

The Moon will leave Taurus and enter Gemini around 11:00 pm ET tomorrow (3:00 am UT Saturday), switching the dynamics considerably before the New Moon in Gemini later in the day.

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