You’ve Been Robbed

Paul Rosenberg – You work long, hard days, but you never have enough to be secure. Your husband or wife probably works too, and yet you still never get ahead. Now think about this: Your great-grandparents worked hard, and they did get ahead. You work just as hard, but you don’t make the same progress.

Was great-grandpa really that much better than you? Not likely. So, how was it that he could get ahead on one income, but you can’t?

moneyTake a good look at this graph: The top line shows how many years of living expenses your great-grandfather would have accumulated as a hard-working young man. The bottom line shows what you can save.

After working for five years, great-gramps had seven years of living expenses in the bank.

Doing the same things, you’d have less than two.

You’ve probably avoided this comparison[1] , because it makes you feel bad. If so, that was your big mistake, because it was never your fault.

When great-gramps worked hard, he kept the money. There was no income tax and no sales tax. (The government survived anyway.) There was no Social Security tax either, and the streets weren’t  full of starving old people. Families were able to take care of their own.

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The Report From Iron Mountain and The Income Tax Deception

Michelle Walling – In 1967 a report created by a “think tank” called the Special Study Group funded by a quasi-governmental agency, assigned itself the responsibility of considering the possibility and desirability of long term peace. The conclusions of the report were; that lasting peace, while theoretically possible, would not be in the best interests of a stable society to achieve it.

The participants in the study were civilians with no direct connection to the government. They were all highly respected and well-known members of society in a diversity of fields.

The report was released by one of the participants who believed that the purely scientific argument, lacking in any semblance of spirituality, would be inappropriately applied.

Their conclusions:

  • All social systems are subservient to the war-making process
  • War stabilizes economies.
  • War is the foundation of a stable government.
  • War supplies the basis for political authority
  • War enables class distinction
  • War subordinates the citizen to the state
  • War controls social dissonance.
  • War binds social allegiance.
  • War corrects the balance between gross human population and the resources available to sustain it.
  • War creates the basic standards of value in the creative arts.
  • War provides the fundamental motivational source of scientific and technological progress.

The salient issue was that war is absolutely essential as a cohesive force; in fact the only cohesive force of civilized society; that a condition of general peace would lead to changes of unprecedented magnitude and likely destroy the civilization itself. The very power of government is created by war.

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In Paris, UN Approves Draconian Global “Climate” Regime

UNAlex Newman – After two weeks of negotiations at the United Nations COP21 global-warming summit, governments and dictatorships from around the world agreed to a massive deal to shackle the planet in the name of saving it. Among other goals, the pseudo-treaty aims to restructure the global economy, completely phase out cheap and abundant energy sources over the coming decades, redistribute the wealth of Western taxpayers to Third World regimes, and empower the UN to oversee a planetary “climate” regime. Imaging themselves to be Masters of the Universe despite the failure of every single UN “climate” model,” the parties to the agreement even purported to decide that global temperatures would not rise above two degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels.

Under the guise of saving humanity from the “gas of life,” as scientists refer to the beneficial gas carbon dioxide, the new international agreement purports to require comprehensive monitoring and tracking of CO2 emissions across the Western world. Over the coming years and decades, the UN agreement also purports to mandate radical reductions in those emissions, essentially shackling humanity — and especially the world’s poor — in order to allegedly “save” it. To reduce man’s CO2 “footprint,” governments also vowed to funnel huge amounts of wealth into expensive and unreliable so-called “green” energy (think Solyndra).

It was not clear whether human breath, also made up of CO2, would need to be monitored, regulated, reported, and reduced as well. All combined human emissions of CO2, though, represent a fraction of one percent of all the greenhouse gases present naturally in the atmosphere, with water vapor alone making up some 95 percent. Still, throughout the UN summit and the final agreement, the gas of life has been hysterically and inaccurately demonized as “carbon pollution” and “global-warming pollution” that will allegedly destroy the planet, kill the polar bears, doom mankind, and produce virtually any other horror you could imagine — and some that you could not. Continue reading

Check out the new law that Obama quietly signed over the weekend

governmentSimon Black – It’s time to get serious.

One of the major themes of this daily e-letter is that major western governments are flat broke.

This is not the first time that a major world power has gone bankrupt, and we need only to look to history to see the consequences.

Thousands of years ago, as Rome’s bleak financial condition deteriorated, it didn’t create a crisis all at once.

Initially the Empire was able to limp along by debasing the currency and diluting the value of people’s money.

But eventually that was no longer enough, so the government’s tactics became worse.

They started imposing more severe taxes, imposing austere wage and price controls, and eventually by confiscating people’s assets altogether.

Rome’s government did whatever it took to remain in power and maintain the status quo for a little while longer, no matter what.

We’ve seen this over and over throughout history, enough times to recognize that when superpowers go broke, it is not a consequence-free environment.

It’s happening again today.

Some modern examples are comical, such as the United Kingdom’s new tax ‘task force’ to crack down on strippers and prostitutes who are suspected of not paying enough tax.

I’m sure there’s probably a lengthy queue of bureaucrats hoping to get assigned to the case.

A few weeks ago, the Greek government started demanding its taxpayers report their holdings gold, jewelry, and even cash stashed under their mattresses. Unreal. Continue reading