Bill Clinton, Oprah, Sex Slave Farms & Babies For Sale

Tiffany Fitzhenry – Big news broke today. I’d call it a bombshell, but it’s more like a nuclear reactor struck by a fleet of cruise missiles:

Faith healer with millions of followers ran a “sex slave farm and sold babies to highest bidder”

“Brazil’s most famous faith healer whose “miracle surgeries” drew millions of pilgrims from across the globe.

TeixeiraJoao Teixeira de Faria – known as John of God – achieved international fame after being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. Bill Clinton, singer Paul Simon and supermodel Naomi Campbell are among the other celebrities to have visited him.

His boasts of healing powers to cure diseases, including cancer, brought people flocking to his compound in the small town of Abadiania, central Brazil.

But two months ago, his world crumbled when he was accused of sexually abusing a Dutch woman, live on TV.

It led to a flood of similar allegations from more than 600 women from around the world. The 77-year-old was arrested a week later in what prosecutors say could be the worst serial crimes case in the country’s history.

Faria’s own daughter, Dalva Teixeira, has also spoken out, called him a “monster” and claiming he molested her as a child. Continue reading