Message for April 2021

AprilLee-Anne Peters – I’ve laid out some cards for April, so let’s see what they are and how they may fit into the month as it unfolds.

The first week of April looks like a great opportunity for us to look at and break negative habits and patterns that are deeply ingrained within us. This is a great week to look at any addictions or unhealthy habits we are practicing. If possible this is also a favorable week to slip into nature, and listen to what life has to offer us.

By the second week of April we may need to seriously consider taking a mental break – especially if things are piling up and overwhelm has kicked in. Things may not be as they appear in our physical world this week – deep changes are happening, however it may not be exactly as we are being told on the surface. We’re being urged to look deeper, explore, or seek out further information. Continue reading