Tess Pennington ~ Juice For A Natural Energy Boost

ReadyNutrition  April 29 2014

GreenDropDrinkHealthI constantly struggle with having enough energy to get everything done. Instead of loading myself up with coffee all day, I am taking a healthier approach and started giving my body what it really needs – natural vitamins and nutrients.

Juicing is a great way to add essential nutrients to the body and in return, I get a much needed boost of energy. My kids have lovingly dubbed this juice the “Green Drop Drink” after one of their favorite movies. If you don’t have any kale or spinach, you can add the remaining ingredients and make a delicious yellow version of this beverage.

Go for the organic fruits and vegetables when juicing as it helps your body detoxify more efficiently. As well, this is a great juice to help detox from the holidays or from heavy metals and environment pollutants, and also gives you an added energy boost thanks to the ginger. Here are some other ways your health benefits from this juice: Continue reading

10 Space Saving Ideas For Storing Your Supplies

ReadyNutrition  November 19 2013

Emergency management

Let’s face it, we have a finite amount of space in our homes to allot for our preparedness supplies. When you run out of room on the shelving systems, in the closet and under the beds, you have start getting creative in finding more space. I have personally stowed items in every nook and cranny around here. I knew that if I wanted to have a good pantry supply and also have disaster supplies on hand, I had to find hidden spaces around the home.

Here are some of the solutions that I have found.

10 Space Savers For Your Preps:

  1. Baskets and wire bins – I went to the discount stores and found large baskets on sale. I put them under chairs, benches and on consoles or cabinets. We also used them above our kitchen cabinetry.
  2. Under bed storage – Under the bed is usually the first place we turn to when our closets run out of space. I like to use plastic containers with lids that can be stored under beds. This keeps pets from opening any packages and protects it from the elements. Re-purposing old dresser drawers can also be a solution to under bed storage. And adding wheels to the bottom so they roll out will help you gain easier access.
  3. Trundle beds – If your trundle bed is going unused, it’s a great place to store your preps. Simply remove the mattress and viola! Continue reading