1946 Archive Film Proves Despotism Has Taken over America [Video]

TruthStreamMedia  February 26 2014

“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Thomas Jefferson, writing on behalf of the independent-minded colonists in 1776, backed up the Declaration’s conclusion with numerous examples of British tyranny, stating: “To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

Compare them to the United States and global system we live under today

Are we now free? Examine the balance of power between individuals, endowed with natural rights by God, and government, Constitutionally bound to only limited powers, as well as the leading corporations of the private sector.


A 1946 national archive film released by Encyclopedia Britannica titled “Despotism” outlines several yardsticks for measuring the balance of power of a free society and that of an outright a despotism, according to scales of respect, power, economic distribution and information. Concentrated power and wealth, centralized information and monopolistic or oligopolistic control in any one of these areas tends to negatively affect the others, and renders freedom a mere illusion.

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Dave Hodges ~ The Use Of Food As A Weapon Against American Citizens

TheCommonSenseShow  October 31 2013

“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” ~Thomas Jefferson

If Obama, does, what many of us in the media believe he is going to do, he will soon provoke a crisis, declare martial law and use food as the ultimate weapon to subjugate an unruly population. This article provides an assessment of these possibilities.

Beta Testing the Poor

It began with the EBT cards going down for a couple of hours, which prevented many of the poor from buying food. The net result was that it didn’t even take a day for civil unrest to rear its ugly head before the riots began. The Federal government received a quick answer about how long it would take for the poor to riot. I contend that this was a beta test designed to gauge future behavior when Obama uses food as a weapon for real.

Would a modern day American president, in one of the most civilized countries in the world, actually resort to barbarism and starve vast amount of Americans into submission?

Military strategists tell us that it takes one soldier for every fifty citizens to successfully occupy a country. Obama cannot probably garrison over six million soldiers in America. He cannot count on the military’s support and he knows that fact given how he is the President who has fired more military commanders than any other leader in American history. Even though his administration just completed the training of 386,000 foreign troops to garrison America (i.e. learning to speak English and conducting urban warfare drills), he will not reach that magic six million number. As an aside, can any reasonable person find a legitimate explanation as to why an American president would find it necessary to house and train almost 400,000 foreign troops at a time when this country is broke? I can’t, can you? The only thing that makes any sense is that these foreign troops are preparing for sometime of domestic occupation of the United States.

Obama’s Motivation for the Imposition of Martial Law

AmericansLet me quickly review Obama’s possible motivations for martial law. First, his administration faces the brunt of three separate monetary debts that they will default on: (1) the national deficit is $17 trillion dollars, which could be paid down in about 30-40 years if we tightened our financial belts; (2) the unfunded liabilities of such social programs as welfare, social security and Medicare to the turn of $238 trillion dollars; and, (3) the stagger derivatives debt that modern-day nation states have agreed to assume in the amount of at least $1 quadrillion dollars. Keep in mind that the sum total of wealth for the planet is only $65-75 trillion dollars. The derivatives debt, alone, for Bank of America is $80 trillion dollars which is more than the entire value of the planet. In short, these debt cannot be paid off and the interest alone will crush this country. When the United States cannot pay the interest on the debt, we will be in default and the system will come crashing down and we will not just have 50 million food stamp recipients rioting, it will be nearly all of us.

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The Fall Of Reason: How To Protect Your Sanity In An Insane World (And Achieve Spiritual Victory In The Process)

NaturalNews  July 16 2013


I’m reaching out to you all with words of assurance as I write this story. By now, I think we all are overwhelmingly convinced that we live in an insane world. I call it the “post-reason era.”

It’s a world full of irrational people, criminal corporations, deceptive government, the abandonment of law and even the “dogmatizing” of the sciences which once claimed to be based on reason. In popular culture, we’ve got the insanity of the Trayvon Martin drama in which the abandonment of law is now institutionalized in the justice system itself, where prosecutors are allowed to commit crimes as part of a “trial,” and state attorneys are encouraged to misapply the justice system so that it might be used as a political weapon.

In the realm of medicine, we’ve got patients being routinely poisoned with deadly chemicals in cancer clinics, infants being injected with deadly methyl mercury via vaccines, “preventive” double mastectomies being promoted as a women’s rights issue, and now the new “bioethics” idea that parents have the right to abort newborn babies up to the age of three.

The mind-warping linguistic engineers in the media have infected the population with wild delusions while the banksters get subsidized by the government to keep stealing — and losing — your money over and over again. A toxic chemical variety of fluoride is dripped into the water supply to keep people in a never-ending state of mental stupor, and television is scripted to foment hatred, violence, division and paranoia so that the rise of the surveillance police state can continue relentlessly.

Terror events are plotted by the FBI, pedophiles run rampant throughout the culture and television is now sexualizing children and depicting six-year-olds dressed as prostitutes as “normal.” Meanwhile, anyone who cites American history — Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Thomas Payne — is immediately branded a possible terrorist and then electronically stalked by the NSA which we now know is reading all our emails and listening to all our phone calls.

At every turn, our sanity is being sucker-punched by a culture gone mad. We are watching the downfall of civilization right before our very eyes,

So how do you stay sane as all this madness is swirling around you? I offer you six safe harbors, ranging from the practical to the spiritual:

#1) Stop wasting time trying to awaken the zombies

First, realize that you are not going to be able to stop the collapse. Human civilization today is much like a burned-out star that has just flamed out its last nuclear fuel. Now the implosion has begun, and the immutable forces of physics will collapse that star into itself.

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What, Exactly, Is Liberty?

FreemansPerspective.com May 28 2013

Franklin D. RooseveltMore or less every modern politician talks about “freedom” or “liberty.” Actually, they don’t talk about it as much as they use it as a magic incantation. They go on at length about “our free country,” but if you could get them to define freedom, that definition would be something along the lines of “what we have.”

Once we’re past such self-praising nonsense, we’re still left with the original question: What exactly is this “liberty”? And then the trouble begins. There are dozens of definitions. This is a problem. We’re all going around talking about liberty, but no two of us mean precisely the same thing. If you’re looking for reasons why liberty gets so little real traction in the world, this would be a good place to start.

So, it’s about time that we clarified what we mean by these terms. And, since I’ve spent decades pursuing liberty, and since no one else seems to be addressing this, I’ll take on this chore myself.

First of all, I’m going to treat “liberty” and “freedom” as the same concept. After all, the word freedom comes to us from old English and liberty from old French, and they both mean the same thing: unconstrained.

The problem with unconstrained lies in the fact that we are constrained by the natural world, by everything from gravity to rocks to weather. Nature constrains us. Yet, we don’t feel oppressed by nature – it isn’t trying to hurt us or limit us, it simply is what it is, and we can use it as we wish too. Our bodies are part of nature, after all.

It is when other people force us to obey, use violence against us, our simply intimidate us, that we feel constrained and abused. (Which tells us all we really need to know about the nature of liberty and humanity.)

So, here is a precise definition for freedom/liberty:

A condition in which a man’s will regarding his own person and property is unopposed by any other will.

That is the bedrock. From there you can add other aspects if you wish, but you cannot deviate from this core and still be talking about “liberty.”

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Paul Rosenberg ~ Thomas Jefferson: “We Failed”

FreemansPerspective.com May 15 2013

Benjamin FranklinThomas Jefferson – one of my long-time heroes – was convinced that he and his friends blew the chance they had to establish true freedom in America. I know that a hundred thousand self-praising textbooks, speeches, pundits and songs claim that Jefferson and the rest established freedom, but that’s NOT what Jefferson thought, and that is NOT what he said. (You can choose who to believe for yourself.)

Nearly fifty years after the declaration of independence, he was of the opinion that the founders did not fully live up to the moment presented to them.

Here is a letter that Jefferson wrote to John Cartwright on June 5th, 1824. Jefferson’s words are in plain text and my modern paraphrasing of the lines are in italics:

Our Revolution presented us an album on which we were free to write what we pleased. Yet we did not avail ourselves of all the advantages of our position.

The Revolution gave us a shot at real liberty, but we blew it.

We had never been permitted to exercise self-government. When forced to assume it, we were novices in its science. Its principles and forms had little entered into our former education. We established, however, some (but not all) of its important principles…

We weren’t prepared for what we had to do.

We think experience has proved the benefit of subjecting questions to two separate bodies of deliberants. But in constituting these bodies, [we have] been mistaken, making one of these bodies, and in some cases both, the representatives of property instead of persons.

We thought our legislative structure would protect us, but they were bought-off right away.

This double deliberation might be obtained just as well without any violation of true principle, either by requiring a greater age in one of the bodies, or by electing a proper number of representatives of persons, or by dividing them by lots into two chambers, and renewing the division at frequent intervals, in order to break up all cabals.

What we really needed was something that would break up parties and factions.

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