Your Inner Being As Your Greatest Resource

Your Inner Being As Your Greatest ResourceOwen K Waters – Your inner being – your soul or higher self – is not something that you have. It is what you are.

Your complete consciousness is your inner being. All of the so-called parts of your mind – the conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious parts – are all facets of your one, complete consciousness, your inner being.

Your conscious mind is the result of your inner being focusing attention upon the outer world through your physical brain and senses. When, instead, you turn your attention from the outer world towards the inner world, you access the resources of your inner being. Continue reading

Desperation Is Not An Aphrodisiac

“You are given the gifts of the gods, you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.” ~ Seth

Jafree Ozwald – The Universe is always showering you with abundance. It’s constantly blessing you with love, creativity and life. It’s perpetually giving you energy through the Sun, oxygen in the air, your food, water, and the electric pulse of your beating heart. This gift of energy is what makes you a vibrantly alive human being.

Anytime we feel needy, desperate, lacking, or in a state of demanding desire we’ve simply forgotten about these blessings which the Universe is offering. We’ve become ungrateful towards life and are trapped in the illusion of lack. Whenever we stop appreciating life, life stops appreciating us, and your typical flowing “easy day” suddenly becomes a perpetually challenging painful adventure. Continue reading

How to Access Your Infinite Sky-Like Self

CloudJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – The way of seeing the vast boundless being you truly are. Of course there are going to be times in your journey through life where your inner weather becomes deep, dark and dismal, like massive thunderstorms which can hang around for weeks.

Don’t take this personally. The soul wants to experience all the dualities of life, and this is just an extreme experience. The blessed news is that no matter which type of clouds are passing through your mind right now; you can find freedom from them by learning how to access your infinite sky-like nature. Continue reading

How To Find Peace With Your Mind

“There is only one thing more powerful than all the armies of the world, that is an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo

The mind is always busy thinking. It’s continuously planning, pretending, yearning, wishing, hoping and scheming for things to be better than what they are. The mind is basically active creating something about 99% of your life, looking into the past and future, trying to figure out how it can get exactly what it wants. The interesting thing is that the mind doesn’t realize that there is the most glorious amazing gift of bliss available if it can simply remain present to the here and now. Continue reading

Be guided by your natural impulses

Guided by your natural impulses

The Angels – There is a natural order and flow to all of life. An impulse comes from the Creator in each moment to all of creation, orchestrating it in a beautiful h harmonious dance in the same way that the brain coordinates every cell in the body. In each moment, the Divine reads your heart, your energy, your intentions, and desires, and in the very next moment sends you a natural impulse to guide you.

These impulses are your natural good feelings. For example, you may have a long to-do list but feel like doing something different. You will struggle to accomplish your to-do list if you fight that feeling. However, if you listen to your natural, inspiring impulse, you will feel happy, elevated, and inspired to accomplish all you must do with ease. Continue reading