Vibrationally Intentionally Shifting In/Out of Karmic Timelines

loveLisa Brown – These continually shifting high frequencies will “teach” your human aspect how to maneuver in all new ways. Your ability to do things the way you used to will immensely change. As you become energy, then every shift will affect you more. You will have to learn to acclimate, honor and integrate like never before.

Your human aspect will “learn” the importance of your body, your energy, your everything…. the purposes of why you have what you have and why things seem/need to “go” (timeline shifts). These mega-high frequency timelines will “teach” your human honor, love, respect for you and in doing so, you will come to honor, love and respect each other in all new ways too.

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Magical Activation Coming That Will Positively Alter Timelines

Rick Jewers – Your Ascension Is Proceeding Very Well. So many, and more everyday, are becoming stronger and stronger as the Divine Beings You truly are. This Ascension has thrown many challenges at You, yet You continue to persevere handsomely. Prior to 2012, not only were You presented with Divinely orchestrated experience, but there was also, a directed suppression from a resistance to Your development.

A Spiritual war was indeed occurring prior to 2012, with everything imaginable, thrown at the strongest Ones by the resistance, in efforts to prevent You from advancing this far. Many of You were tracked, followed, spied upon, intentionally burdened, You name it. You were not paranoid, You were not crazy, You were/are correct. Since 2012, any “bad” experience was thrown at You by Yourself and Divinity as a whole, to assist in propelling You forward quickly, to this Now. Continue reading

Four Big Shifts of 2017

earthSteve Rother – Greetings from Home. I am the Keeper of Time.

I come to you this day and intersect with your timeline for just a moment to help touch your hearts and to help remind you who you are and where you are coming from. You are distant travelers who have definitely been around. Yet here you are now, settled on Earth and making rapid changes. There are so many incredible changes that sometimes it is difficult for us to keep up with all the things that humans are doing on planet Earth.

Today we will share a little bit of what is coming in the year ahead; it is rather fascinating to watch what is taking place. By the time you get through February 2017, you will feel a bit of a calmness that has not been here for a while. In some ways, it is the calm before the storm. re-member that most change cannot happen when in the midst of calm. By its very definition, “change” often involves such disruption that a ripple is left in its wake. Do not fear this, for the change is actually what you have come to be a part of.

We Have You

So many of you have come to Earth trying to figure out where you can be, what this will look like, and how it is going to work for you. Here you are, right in the midst of it now. Of course, the greatest fear is what happens if you fail. Such a scary word, fail.

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Shifting Timelines, Free Will & The Power Of Choice

 “So, yeah, if you’re getting the feeling lately that the world is a runaway train headed for a washed-out bridge with no one at the controls; and everyone is fighting over seating arrangements; that’s actually fairly accurate . . .” ~Chautauqua


Have you been feeling of late that someone turned up the treadmill on the rat race? Perhaps the world has begun feeling a bit like an accelerating merry-go-round threatening to toss you off if your grip fails. Does it feel as if insanity gains more ground every day while decency and morality continue to be given the Rodney King treatment? Have ya noticed that we’re not in Kansas anymore? I don’t know what is worse; the fact that there are now school shootings nearly every week – or that we’re getting used to it; accepting it much as the slave endures yet another lash from the walking boss.

These are just a few of the symptoms of the spiritual evolution currently well underway; and although it gets very little mainstream news coverage it is an irresistible wave of change, happening all around us right now. We can try to surf the crest of these changes, or be pummeled by them. The tired old paradigms of the Piscean age are crumbling now because they have to; they have no choice in the matter, their time on the stage is over, and thus we have the two opposite and divergent timelines separating from one another. One timeline remains in 4th dimensional frequency resonance, the other simply moves uphill an octave on the evolutionary scale, to 5th dimensional frequency resonance. This shifting of the timelines is rather like an election in the realm of spirit. Decide which frequency you wish to express in, and vote for it by giving it all your mental energy and focus…and it will become your reality. Continue reading

Which Timeline Is Yours?

Toward Chakra 8 | November 1 2012 | Thanks, Annette


There is much confusion surrounding the subjects of;- ascension;- removal of the Illuninati and their negative ET allies from the Earth;- cleansing of the mother Earth;- and “Going Home” for the Starseed volunteers who have been working as “Ground Crew” for The Galactic Federation Of Light (GFL) on the Earth.

Many people believe that they will play a part in bringing about all of these end results, but this is not the case. Different timelines will result in different outcomes for the inhabitants of the Earth, dependant on what we collectively choose and continue to choose.

Many people also cannot see how Mother Earth can possibly be cleansed, and all of the damage inflicted upon her and us, by the dark ones, put right by the 21st December 2012; now only weeks away. They are right, it is going to take years to clean up the biosphere and install new, benevolent infrastructure on the Earth. It will also take time for people to adjust to all these far-reaching changes.

Our collective destiny is not written in stone; it is created by our collective desires; beliefs and visualisations of the future, which has no real existence until we create it in this way. Every time we make a collective choice, we create a new timeline that will result in that outcome, but we have to remain focussed on that desired outcome for it to manifest.

On the Earth, there are three main groups of Lightworkers that are concerned with different aspects of “The Shift”, and that are collectively visualising three different desired outcomes.

The first of these groups is the one that creates the 3D timeline, and it consists of the millions of Starseeds from the GFL who are working on the Earth toward the continuation of the 3D Earth, with the ejection of the Illuminati controllers and their Negative ET allies;- disclosure of the presence of the GFL around and upon the Earth;- and the cleansing and transformation of the Earth’s biosphere, with the help of the advanced technology of the GFL, over a period of years. On completion of this, these Starseed Earthworkers will re-ascend to their respective ships or planets.

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