Wild Accusations Flourish as Top Schools Flunk “Presumption of Innocence” Test

regulationsShawn – In November, the Department of Education under Betsy DeVos outlined new regulations governing the Trump administration’s implementation of Title IX guidelines. In those regulations, public universities are to begin rolling back their Obama-era policies, many of which include taking every wild sexual assault accusation not only seriously, but as the gospel truth. After years of (mostly male) students being punished or expelled – even in the absence of any hard evidence against them – the DeVos regulations were meant to re-introduce the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” into college disciplinary hearings.

The left, which is still disseminating the lie that college campuses are a maelstrom of sexual assault and rape against women, threw an absolute fit upon seeing the new regulations, accusing DeVos of endangering college girls from sea to shining sea. In truth, though, she was doing nothing more than endangering the Democratic Party’s agenda, which is to stuff colleges further and further under the federal government’s purview of power (and to indoctrinate young girls into believing that the Democratic Party is THEIR party, of course). Continue reading