The Great TPP Deathtrap For India, China

“Once in a while, a major leak oozes out of the government-corporate nexus. First responders and damage-control experts quickly arrive on the scene and throw a blanket over the shocking revelation. Media fall silent. Nothing happened. It was a momentary delusion. Everything is fine. To the degree that the public becomes aware of the truth, the public registers utter disbelief and denial. Why? Because believing this one thing would torpedo their faith in the whole structure of the synthetic invention called Reality.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

millionJon Rappoport – The truth emerges out of the shadows of secrecy…

Let’s start here. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade treaty, coming down the homestretch toward ratification, involving 12 nations which account for a staggering 40% of the world’s GDP. The TPP encompasses 775 million consumers.

Waiting in the wings is something much larger. It is the intention, up the road, to fold India and China into the treaty.

China is the most populous nation in the world. 1.35 billion people. India is the second most populous. 1.2 billion people. India is projected to overtake and pass China by 2025.

During his seven years in office, the most publicly recognizable PR man in the world, Barack Obama, has sweated and hammered on two policies. Just two. He is now in a panic over forcing one of those: the TPP. The other one was Obamacare. That’s it. Everything else was a Sunday picnic in the park.

Obamacare, the US national health insurance plan, when you strip it down to basics, was about one thing: bowing to drug companies. Continue reading

Greg Hunter ~ Weekly News Wrap Up June 12 2015 [Video & Transcript]

Secret Trade Deals, Not Serious About Stopping ISIS, Obama Care and Economy in Trouble

obamaThe Republicans are pushing trade agreements, but they are secret.  Congressman Paul Ryan says “We the People” do not get to know the secret details until Congress votes them through.  On the trade packages in Asia and Europe, Ryan said, “It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to.”  Is this his Republican version of the Nancy Pelosi “We have to vote for it to see what’s in it”?  You know it’s a bad deal for everyday Americans when this sort of trade deal is opposed by Democrats, such as Senator Elizabeth Warren and Republican Congressmen Duncan Hunter.  Hunter even wrote Ryan a letter asking him not to vote on the deal until all Americans know what’s in the agreements.  In other words, NO SECREAT TRADE DEALS.  Every Congressional office Republican and Democrat should be called to tell them to vote “no” on secret deals.  If it was such a good deal and Republicans were so proud of what they were doing, why would it be a secret?  This is why I say Democrats and Republicans just take turns ripping us off.


Looks like the President is going to send another 450 troops to train Iraqis to fight ISIS.  Listen, the Obama Administration is not serious.  Months ago, a top military expert said in order to kick ISIS out of Iraq, there would need to bae 80,000 well trained troops.  450 is drop in the bucket.  Also, ISIS gets a lot of its funding from selling oil on the black market.  Why are those wells allowed to pump oil in Syria and Iraq that are under ISIS control?  Those can’t be bombed?  Please, they are not serious.

The G7 met this week, and Russian sanctions are still in place, and do not look like they will be removed anytime soon.  The Ukraine situation is at a standstill.  The G7 also scolded China on building islands in the South China Sea, and again, the G7 is all bark and no bite. Continue reading

Rule By The Corporations

corporationsPaul Craig Roberts – The Transatlantic and Transpacific Trade and Investment Partnerships have nothing to do with free trade. “Free trade” is used as a disguise to hide the power these agreements give to corporations to use law suits to overturn sovereign laws of nations that regulate pollution, food safety, GMOs, and minimum wages.

The first thing to understand is that these so-called “partnerships” are not laws written by Congress. The US Constitution gives Congress the authority to legislate, but these laws are being written without the participation of Congress. The laws are being written by corporations solely in the interest of their power and profit. The office of US Trade Representative was created in order to permit corporations to write law that serves only their interests. This fraud on the Constitution and the people is covered up by calling trade laws “treaties.”

Indeed, Congress is not even permitted to know what is in the laws and is limited to the ability to accept or refuse what is handed to Congress for a vote. Normally, Congress accepts, because “so much work has been done” and “free trade will benefit us all.”

The presstitutes have diverted attention from the content of the laws to “fast track.” When Congress votes “fast track,” it means Congress accepts that corporations can write the trade laws without the participation of Congress. Even criticisms of the “partnerships” are a smoke screen. Countries accused of slave labor could be excluded but won’t be. Super patriots complain that US sovereignty is violated by “foreign interests,” but US sovereignty is violated by US corporations. Others claim yet more US jobs will be offshored. In actual fact, the “partnerships” are unnecessary to advance the loss of American jobs as there is nothing that inhibits jobs offshoring now.

What the “partnerships” do is to make private corporations immune to the laws of sovereign countries on the grounds that laws of countries adversely impact corporate profits and constitute “restraint of trade.” Continue reading

A Multinational Trojan Horse: The Trans-Pacific Partnership

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, … may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” James Madison in The Federalist Papers.


Dave Pruett – You don’t have to know much about the “trade” deal called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to be more than a little suspicious.

First, there are the very peculiar bedfellows. Supporting the TPP are President Obama and most Congressional Republicans, the same Republicans who’ve vehemently opposed his every initiative for the past six and one-half years.

Against the TPP are most (but not all) Congressional Democrats, Ford Motor Company, virtually all trade unions and environmental groups, watchdog groups such as Public Citizen, and usual Obama allies such as Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, who, in a testy open letter to the President on April 25, called for greater transparency on the TPP.

Furthermore, when asked to lend his support for so-called “Fast Track” authority for the TPP, Obama water-carrier and former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid chafed, “So the answer is not only no, but hell no.”

Also opposed: liberal icon Noam Chomsky, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, Republican hopeful Mike Huckabee, many Tea-Party groups, and conservative Republican editorialist and former presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan. Conspicuous by silence: Hillary Rodham Clinton.

What’s going on here? Why the strange alliances? Continue reading

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) And The Death Of The Republic

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.    — Article IV, Section 4, US Constitution

tppEllen Brown – A republican form of government is one in which power resides in elected officials representing the citizens, and government leaders exercise power according to the rule of law. In The Federalist Papers, James Madison defined a republic as “a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people . . . .”

On April 22, 2015, the Senate Finance Committee approved a bill to fast-track the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a massive trade agreement that would override our republican form of government and hand judicial and legislative authority to a foreign three-person panel of corporate lawyers.

The secretive TPP is an agreement with Mexico, Canada, Japan, Singapore and seven other countries that affects 40% of global markets. Fast-track authority could now go to the full Senate for a vote as early as next week. Fast-track means Congress will be prohibited from amending the trade deal, which will be put to a simple up or down majority vote. Negotiating the TPP in secret and fast-tracking it through Congress is considered necessary to secure its passage, since if the public had time to review its onerous provisions, opposition would mount and defeat it.

Abdicating the Judicial Function to Corporate Lawyers

James Madison wrote in The Federalist Papers:

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. . . . “Were the power of judging joined with the legislative, the life and liberty of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control, for the judge would then be the legislator. . . .”

And that, from what we now know of the TPP’s secret provisions, will be its dire effect.

Continue reading