Powerful Energetic Forces at Work on Earth | the Pleiadians

Powerful Energetic Forces at Work on Earth | the PleiadiansChristine Day – Beloved ones, we greet you. Strong energetic forces are at work within Earth. The effects of the Scahndahlah event are expanding in light intensity daily. This light is reconfiguring the energetic vortexes and ley lines across the earth plane.

There are a series of multidimensional sacred patterns being reestablished within these energetic centers. These light patterns are enabling the vortexes and ley lines to anchor and stabilize the higher light structures that are being opened across the planet and within the magnetic core of Earth. Continue reading

2023 Lions Gate: The Galactic “Deep” Human

2023 Lions Gate: The Galactic “Deep” HumanCelia Fenn – Beloveds, so you stand once again at the Lions Gate Portal, ready to begin another cycle of evolution and creation on Earth. In the last cycle you made enormous shifts of consciousness in your journey towards activating what we call the Galactic “Deep” Human Template.

You have activated your Light Body and your 13 Chakra system, and also the Aqua and Emerald aspects of your being. Now, at the Lions Gate, you connect with the Diamond Starfire, a deep Galactic energy of the Elohim Angelic Family. Continue reading

July 2023 Energy Report

July 2023 Energy ReportJennifer Hoffman – It’s a new month and a whole new vibe. Don’t let July’s many retrogrades fool you into thinking it’s going to be a slow month. It isn’t.

This is another action packed, full month with a few twists that include more revelations and truth bombs, calls to action, and the potential for real harmony with a lovely ongoing Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo. The sign change for the nodes brings the fireworks to the party and strong Pluto action all month continues the excavation of the dark for the light. Continue reading

Tree of Grace and Adventure of the Emerald Heart

The 5/5 Portal and the Eclipses of the Taurus Gate April/May 2023

The Tree of Grace and the Adventure of the Emerald HeartCelia Fenn – Dearest hearts, you are approaching a powerful time of initiation and transformation for all of Humanity, but also for the Planet. At this powerful transit of the Eclipse on the 20th April and the Taurus Gate and Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, you will embody and integrate the frequencies of the Emerald Heart.

This will enable you to receive, hold and transmit the 9D frequencies of the Aldebaran Star Garden and to anchor these frequencies for the New Earth. You will also be initiated into the new Tree of Life for the New Earth and the Age of Aquarius. This is the Tree of Life and Grace, called the Tree of Grace, that has been inaugurated at the centre of the Star Garden to hold the central pillar of Life for the New Earth. Continue reading

An April Month of Transformation, Ethics, and Depth Exploration

Transformation, Ethics, and Depth ExplorationHenry Seltzer – April has a lot going on, including some entirely unique and astrologically interesting features. These include the recent entry of Pluto into Aquarius in the timing of the previous month’s Equinox New Moon, still affecting the current month, an unusual second Aries New Moon on the 19th of this month that is also a Solar Eclipse, as well as the eclipse taking place in the last ten minutes of a degree of Aries and the fact that this mid-April event lies in close square to Pluto.

Add to the above the general tenor of an entirely transformative presence of Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius in aspect to the recent New Moon, to Saturn at that aspect’s midpoint, and to potentially angry Mars in the final degrees of Gemini. These are some confrontational times and some uncharted territory that we are entering upon in April and in the spring and summer to follow. Continue reading