The Tragedy of Toleration

Molly Slag – Expending further effort to convince readers that we’re in a pickle seems like beating a dead horse, as most everyone sees that now. But among the many remaining puzzles that confront our minds, two are very salient: (1) Exactly how did we get ourselves into this mess, and especially pressing today, and (2) Can we vote ourselves out of this mess?

The second question is especially urgent. There remain only thirteen months to November 2024, when we cast our votes in the most critical election of our lives. Those intending to vote for Trump face many nagging questions. Will Trump really be on the ballot? Will he be in jail? Will courts declare him ineligible to run? Will he be alive? Will there be open civil warfare? These are intense questions with multiple possible answers. Continue reading

Protect Your Kids

Protect Your KidsJim Hollingsworth – Several years ago, my father, my brother, and I were camped along a small stream in the middle of Utah, near to the town of Moab. Not far from us, another family was camped. The family was a mother, a father, and a pre-teen boy.

One evening, about dusk, the boy must have done something dreadful, and all of a sudden, the mother broke out in a tirade of swearing the likes of which I had never heard from a woman (and have not heard since). I wondered at the time how this boy was going to grow up having a healthy respect for his parents when they treated him so badly. Continue reading

UK To Ban Trans Women From Female Hospital Wards

Niamh Harris – The UK Health Secretary is to announce a proposal banning trans patients from female hospital wards, along with reinstating ‘sex specific’ language in NHS materials, according to reports.

Under the proposed changes, trans patients can be housed in separate accommodation or their own rooms. Patients will have the right to share a ward with people of the same biological sex. Continue reading

Hands off Our Kids Comes of Age

Hands off Our Kids Comes of AgeMax D. Dublin – The only good that came from the pandemic lockdowns was that parents in great numbers finally began to learn what was going on in the public school system as the corrupt curriculum was inadvertently beamed into their homes.

This knowledge has given birth to an ever-growing backlash. Although protests and demonstrations are no longer my thing, when notice arrived in my inbox that concerned parents and their supporters were organizing demonstrations across Canada called “A Million March 4 Children” for September 20 I could not resist attending. Continue reading

Parents Pull Daughters From Sports Team With Transgender Player

Cassandra MacDonald – Parents are pulling their daughters off a sports team in the Green Bay Area Public School District in Wisconsin after a transgender biological male player left them with “welts and bruises” during practice.

The biological male student has reportedly left girls with bruises and welts during summer practices. The names of the students involved and the sport have not been revealed for privacy reasons. Continue reading