The Latest Gimmick: Transmissible Vaccines

vaccinesJoseph P Farrell – Most readers of this website are acutely aware of the dangers of vaccines, and particularly of the vaccine cocktails now being given, and in some cases, mandated for infants and small children, when just a few years ago, doctors hesitated to do this, knowing that that the immune system of children could suffer as a result.

There have been other stories lately of the dangers of vaccines, some coupling them – in my opinion unmistakably – to the rise in autism, and in a more recent story, to the strange appearance of polio-like symptoms in some children. Then we have the usual autumnal flu scares – swine flu, SARS, bird flu – and the push for everyone to go “get your flu shot.” Add to all of this the nearly constant bombardment of this state or that state – think only of always wacky and one-party-state California – mandating vaccines.

At best, they have a checkered history: no one doubts Jenner’s success with small pox, the history of the Salk vs Sabin polio vaccine is yet another story of both failure and success. Now, however, it seems they’re inventing vaccines faster than there are diseases being discovered to vaccinate against.

In other words, it’s vaccination for vaccination’s sake, and that simply means, its vaccination for the sake of ongoing profits for Big Pharma, whether or not there is a real disease threat, and whether or not there is reasonable testing and science behind them. Just think of the GMO issue, and the revolving door of personnel flowing back and forth between I.G Farbensanto and the supposedly “independent” and “unbiased” Food and Drug (Mis)Administration.

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