Antarctica Just Became Even Stranger…

antarcticaJoseph P Farrell – Just when you thought it was safe to revisit the subject of Antarctica, or perhaps, even thought it was the one safe place on Earth to vacation – perhaps lounge on the shore and throw in your fishing line, or have a nice leisurely ski vacation, or maybe just to sit by the fire, enjoying a good book and a brandy and cigar – the place seems to defy sense. It refuses to go away or walk quietly off the stage. Just when you think the curtain has gone down on all the high strangeness there, strangeness struts onstage again.

But this one may be even stranger than strange.

Yes, that’s right, stranger than the strangeness of people associated with the place. Stranger than Hermann Goering, Patriarch Kiril III of Moscow, John Kerry. Even stranger than Apollo astronaut Buz Aldrin.

In fact, it’s so stranger that when people sent me various articles about it, I didn’t believe it. But then I found something that confirmed the wild articles people were sending me on a government website. But when I read the website, I not only said “You’re kidding,” but I made an exact print out of it, to make a picture, so I can post it here along with the link, should said government decide to live down to its reputation as perfide Albion and remove its posting. To use the colloquialism, I was gobsmacked when I read it. So, with a big “thank you” to all of you who found this story, without further ado, the link: Continue reading

Astrology Report For June 2015

juneDorene Carrel – June is a fairly active month with four planetary stations, Saturn returning back to Scorpio and the Summer Solstice. We are now in the middle of a Mercury retrograde cycle, which began last month and will end on June 11. Since Mercury is in its own sign of Gemini, it affects communications, travel, link-ups and how we receive and process information. It is best to refine our plans now, rather than moving forward. We are also still under the influence of the May New Moon in Taurus until mid-month, which brings focus to our finances, resources and values, as well as our need for comfort and stability.

On June 2 the Full Moon occurs at 11 Sagittarius 49. This lunation aligns with Mercury and Mars, and is square to Neptune. Mercury/Mars produces much mental and physical energy that gets compromised by the Neptune influence, which tends to bring illusion, confusion, deception and lowered energies. Maintaining a less ambitious agenda is favorable, while also being more cautious and flexible. We can best use this cycle to re-examine our personal philosophy and beliefs from a higher spiritual perspective. The Sabian symbol keynotes for these degrees, “Liberation from the ghosts of the past,” and “The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestation,” suggests a forward-moving, evolving theme.

On this same day the dwarf planet Ceres turns retrograde. Ceres represents the Earth Mother archetype and also rules agriculture, gardening and cooking. Issues around nurturing or nutrition may come into focus. Other areas ruled by Ceres include eating disorders, custody issues and feelings of abandonment or possessiveness. Continue reading

Living Free Without Permission: “Building Without a Permit, Driving Without a License”

rightsMac Slavo – Everyone wants to live free, but few actually walk the walk and stand up for their rights.

Of course, the state has created the perception that you are required to get permits and licenses and official approval to travel or build a home and many other activities that have been established as individual rights by common law and historic precedence.

Most people just bow to the demands of offices, courts and officers either in ignorance of the law’s true requirements, or to go along, and get along in an orderly and convenient fashion.

Tom Hyland isn’t most people.

He tells his story of arming himself with the knowledge of state and federal codes and asserting his rights to be free.


Over the course of decades, he successfully built his own homestead by, with walls made of straw bales, and rescinded his driver’s license, registration and license plate to drive travel on roads in his car without much interference.

When pulled over, or confronted by inspectors and code enforcers, Hyland presented letters with sound defense of the parameters he is operating under. As he pointed out, the Supreme Court has ruled on this matter, and upheld the right to travel. Hyland noted, in part: Continue reading

Grief And Loss Opening Our Hearts

purpleFlowersToday was a big heart day filled with love, loss and grief. On our walk this morning we passed the local school. Parents and children were gathered with colourful balloons and flowers to celebrate the life of their beloved teacher, who lost her life on MH17 last week.

Not long after I heard the sad news that my cousin-in-law’s beautiful mum had passed. The closeness she shares with her sisters reminds me of the relationship I have with my own sisters, and the experience we had of losing our mum 12 years ago.

There is something about death that awakens you to life in a whole new way. Grief breaks the heart…many times breaking it open in a way it never would have otherwise.

On days like this I wish we could have an annual pass to see our loved ones, just for a hug. On days like this I think they are with us, closer than ever. xxx

Our Travels On This Earth Continue reading

You’ll Only Go As Far As You’re Willing To Travel

Inspire Me Today | April 10 2012

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

If today were my last day on earth, the words I would share wouldn’t necessarily be something that hasn’t been said before, only something simply forgotten, more or less, buried, tucked away, locked inside our hearts.

It’s a message that we have all heard: a creed that we’ve all sworn to at some time in our lives. A burning desire that was placed in us a birth. I’m referring to our purpose and the power that it holds once it is embraced and acted upon.

If today were my last day on earth, my only regret in this life would be that for too long I was afraid. Deep down I knew that I was destined for something, but more often than not I found myself hesitant towards what I knew I was called to do. In my mind it was always some fallacy holding me back. It was always something negligible as the scapegoat.

For some time these irrational binds forged a strong hold in my mind, blinding me from the vision I once had for myself. Things started to get foggy, and I started to find myself drifting aimlessly in life… that is, until I determined that I had enough. I was tired of being limited by my fears, other people’s opinions, and my own negative self-talk.

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