Doreen Virtue’s Angel Messages For December 21 – 27, 2015 [Video]

Think of Christmas week as a test of your ability to stay peaceful, no matter what’s going on around you. The week appears to have intensity in store for us, but you have the strength to be a role model of peacefulness for others.

This week can be a pivotal time of healing your heart and having an enjoyable Christmas, thanks to all of the work you’ve been doing on yourself.

You’re now super-aware of your emotional triggers, so you’re not as apt to get hooked into drama. In fact, you are poised to be the leader who shows the way out of drama for your family.

In this reading, Doreen is working with the Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards, available at bookstores and app stores everywhere, including at

SF Source Doreen Virtue

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Shake It Off

danamrkich2It is very easy to write ‘don’t let other people’s thoughts and opinions influence you or define you’ – it’s a really common phrase and I’m sure I’ve written it plenty of times myself. However, let’s be real: it is one thing to write it or be inspired by it, and another thing entirely to learn to actually be that way.

It is a growth process that can take a lifetime, to be so strong within yourself that you don’t sway from your truth and centre when others criticise, misunderstand or judge you. Some people feel completely debilitated by external harshness. Most of us fall somewhere in the range of small, medium or mega wobbling like one of those bowling pin dolls.

Last week I had to wonder if someone had thrown some kind of agitating dust in the air creating mass wobbling because there were more than a few comments happening (anonymously on my blog) mis-interpreting my words and the words of others, creating an atmosphere that felt extremely judgmental and button-pushy. Continue reading