The 5 Secrets To Letting In Love

Jafree Ozwald | August 15 2012

“Immature love says, “I love because I need you.” Mature love says “I need you because I love you.” ~ Unknown

Broken heartWe all have a variety of ways that we guard and protect ourselves from getting hurt. The fortress built around the heart which protects us from the slightest possible pain, is also what’s blocking the softest sweetest most gentle healing energy from finding its way in. When our inner fortress remains too rigid and strong, it can push away those who are trying to give us love. When this occurs these walls no longer serve our highest good and its vital that we dismantle them. It’s only through dissolving these wounded walls that we can truly relax, lighten up and become receptive again to let in love.

If you were abandoned, dumped, rejected, betrayed or emotionally wounded in any way, you probably have layers of hidden walls protecting you from having to go through that experience again. It would be good to acknowledge how many intimate relationships you have, and how many of them are with the same sex as you, and how many are with the opposite sex. Its important to notice which people you trust the most, and let into see, feel and know your deepest secrets inside. If you have very few intimate relationships, there’s a big chance you are protecting yourself from getting hurt again in an attempt to avoid true emotional intimacy.

Letting down your walls to let in a new love can be terrifying and feel completely wrong. You may feel like you’d rather die than take the chance to get hurt again. Yet with time our past wounds tend to heal all by themselves. Sometimes it can become confusing to know and discriminate when it’s healthy to keep your guard up to protect yourself, or let down your guard to allow real love to come in again. It may feel safer to remain behind closed doors forever, never ever taking the risk to expose yourself to the possibility of getting hurt again. You might believe that nobody will ever come as close to you as how it was with your first love.

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