Black Father Blasts Critical Race Theory [Video]

Ty SmithAmerican Conservatives – Ty Smith, host of “Cancel This with Ty Smith” on FM talk station Cities 92.9, recently obliterated Critical Race Theory at a packed Illinois school board meeting and shared his personal opinion regarding the curriculum. He talked about his own experiences in communities and that Black folks are telling other Black folks that White folks will always keep them down. He called Critical Race Theory a “lie” and said that it peddles ideology opposite of what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr preached about.

“Two medical degrees. No mom, no dad in the house. Worked my way through college, sat there and hustled my butt off to get through college. You going to tell me somebody look like all y’all white folks kept me from doing it? Are you serious? Not one white person ever came to me and said, ‘Well son, you’re never gonna be able to get nowhere because, you know, the black people,’” Smith said. Continue reading