Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russians then Buries inquiry in DOJ National Security Division Lock-box

fbiSundance – If you are old enough to remember the Soviet-era propaganda approximately five years prior to the Polish solidarity movement, you are old enough to have a solid frame of reference for today’s announcement from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Truthfully, I never thought a constitutionally protected U.S. government apparatus would ever be able to pull-off propaganda so easily and readily consumed by an American electorate…. Alas, lesson learned.   So here’s my take:

Setting aside the transparent timing of the declaration today; which is entirely based upon the reality of interlopers within our current government remaining focused on undermining President Trump policy and objectives; and accepting the anti-Russia propaganda narrative is a political weapon intended to elevate the interests of deep state officials and undermine any effort that might be adverse to their interests; a basic question about the indictment evidence is being avoided by all who are reviewing the content therein…. Continue reading