The Fall and Restoration of The UFO community

The Fall and Restoration of The UFO communityAloneJames Gilliland – We have to ask the question why is the infiltration and control of the UFO community such a priority and who is behind it. Why would fuelless energy, anti/counter gravity, healing technologies that create spontaneous healing and longevity, knowledge of God and the Multiverses far beyond religions be a threat.

The obvious answer is in the questions. What if fuel was no longer necessary? What if we had the ability to lift off and travel 7000 miles an hour shielded using fuel less drives? What would happen to the drug industry if everything could be healed with natural suppressed remedies, a med bed or with frequencies. Continue reading

Welcome to March Madness

Welcome to March MadnessJames Gilliland – There was a massive ejection from the Sun which for some reason, I would like to believe divine intervention, missed the Earth. It was a Carrington effect event and the grid would not have survived it if it was Earth directed.

We have shown NASA photos of massive ships blocking what psychics called kill shots by expanding their shields. We can only pray this continues. Our guidance is telling us the solar flash is three years off hopefully the benevolent ETS are still with us. To be honest the way we are behaving, including those professing to be acting on their behalf, I would not blame them for pulling up stakes.

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Satanic/Luciferian influence in almost all positions of power

James Gilliland – It’s been a while since the last newsletter mainly because we have been building rock walls fences keeping out pigzilla along with his friends etc. We have also planted a lot of fruit trees, gardens, and are making a food bank out of the land to add to the already abundance of fruit. Not a lot of time to sit at the computer.

Kilauea is erupting with a swarm of quakes, she is just making the island bigger. The contacts have continued and we have been receiving a lot of information about the days to come. It is important to realize that according to them they have been working for over 80 years on the planetary liberation with those of noble virtue.

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Phoenix Rising in The UFO Community

UFO communityJames Gilliland – It seems as if a nuke has been dropped on the UFO community. It is becoming like a reality show. Truth is, it has always been, like the show, Survivor with extreme competition, backstabbing with a jungle of traps and pitfalls. I call what is now unfolding the uncivil war. We wonder why we have not had contact within the UFO community.

Why don’t the ETs land and join the conferences? Fact of the matter is contact with spiritually and technologically advanced beings on the whole has never been welcome. The good old boys club want to keep it nuts and bolts, constantly bringing on their experts most of which have never even seen a UFO, had contact and are extremely jealous of anyone that has.

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