The Sad And Mysterious Death Of Ufologist Mark McCandlish

McCandlishJoseph P Farrell – We lead off this week’s blogs with a story I did not want to write, much less even hear about. And the story is already a few weeks old, but only now does there appear to be enough information to justify a blog about it. A few days ago, my friend and colleague Walter Bosley asked me if it was true that Mark McCandlish had died. I responded that I didn’t know, but a short search revealed that he had, but the details were sketchier then than they are now.

This hit uncomfortably close to home, because having known about Mark and his UFO work, particularly in regards to the vehicle he made famous, the so-called alien recovery vehicle (or sometimes, alien reconstruction vehicle, ARV), I first met him when he was a fellow-speaker at the 2014 San Mateo Secret Space Program Conference. His presentation was on that very subject, and the details he disclosed were of great interest to me, because many of them dovetailed with my own speculations about hidden physics and technology. Continue reading