The Owls And Spiders 10-23 False Flag Discussion [Video]

This part 1 of 2 video report update, is a ritual code discussion, of the many recent event dates, and ritual code findings, that are discussed in relationship to the ongoing Ebola virus situation, unfolding in the USA and around the world.

A discussion regarding Owls and Spiders is used only as a means to report on how they both stand to profit enormously from an Ebola pandemic, which allows me to discuss the many dates and various events, that have unfolded since discovering the solar eclipse of 10-23-14, as a key day for the Spiders, while 10-24 is the key date for the Owls.


10-23 and 10-24 dates, are marker dates that also shows a transfer of action and authority from the Spiders to the Owls and specifically, the Bush 11 cabal, for upcoming October future time manipulations and for continued action regarding the Ebola virus as a social means to restrict freedoms and liberties under the false flag of an Ebola pandemic. Continue reading

The Sovereignty Of Being – Freedom Of The Braveheart

“Okay, no one is suggesting we ‘fight’, and the warrior must replace his weapon with the sword of self realisation and personal sovereignty. But the will is no less important or significant.” Open

Scottish Independence?

ChessBoardThere’s something going on in the ‘United Kingdom’ which few are speaking of in spiritual circles, but which has a deep significance within the shifts of consciousness going on right now.

On the 18th September 2014, the Scots will vote for independence from the United Kingdom. It’s stirring up deep emotion and division, with the ‘yea’ and ‘nay-sayers’ fighting neck and neck. It’s no secret that the ‘powers-that-be’ in society are interwoven with the out-dated aristocracy, one that tries to bind the emergent consciousness into the old-world-order. They’re terrified of what’s taking place. It’s time people take back personal responsibility and sovereignty…

That’s why my vote would be for an independent Scotland, because it mirrors the shifts in the underlying field that are now taking place.

Good Riddance!

The nay-sayers have been using all manner of scare based tactics to try to stir up reactionary resistance to the break for independent freedom. British ministerial leaders – fearful of the break-up – insist it will be ‘bad for the economy’, that ‘house prices will fall’ as leading stock-market companies threaten to abandon Britain. Too-big-to-fail Banks have threatened to re-locate their Head Quarters from Scotland. The giant oil-conglomerate BP fears nationalisation of the abundant Scottish oil fields — heaven forbid, that the people might benefit equally from the available energy resources rather than them being milked for profit by the ‘high and mighty’. Continue reading

Ben Fulford (August 26 2014) ~ Major Fall Offensive Against Nazionists Begins Despite Continuing Cabal Threats Of Mass Murder

“To try to keep Europe in their grip, the Nazionist cabal has adopted a strategy of using mercenary armies to seize European energy choke points in the Middle East and the Ukraine. Pentagon sources now confirm that the so-called Islamic State or ISIS is run by a Mossad agent by the name of Simon Elliot who is running the Middle Eastern side of this strategy. ” B Fulford

The summer is ending and the Satan-worshipping cabalists are trembling in fear of what will come their way this autumn, according to White Dragon Society, CIA and Chinese government and other sources. However, instead of anything dramatic happening, the cabal will be left to continue its slow motion implosion as new international structures continue to be put in place to by-pass their financial control systems, the sources say. The mathematics of finance and the real economy are working irrevocably against the cabal governments in the US and Israel so, time is on the side of the 188 nation BRICS alliance. Just like it is best to wait for a sick lion to die instead of trying to pick a fight with it, the cabal is inevitably sinking so there is no need to do anything rash.

Nonetheless, there might also be some more dramatic actions planned but obviously they will not be announced in advance. We can hint, however, that these planned moves involve gold, silver, and, for some, lead. Continue reading