X22 Report ~ Episode 430 – August 1 2014 [Audio]

Are The Central Bankers Using The Ebola Scare To Declare Martial Law?


  • Argentina blames the US for its default.
  • Unemployment unexpectedly rose to 6.2%.
  • Older workers are taking jobs from the younger generation.
  • Construction spending implodes.
  • CDC is now designating quarantine areas.
  • The Ebola outbreak could be what the central bankers need to to declare martial law, which would lead to the collapse of the economy.
  • Ukraine and the US put out fake satellite images, the date and time stamp don’t match and the images are from a different time.
  • US planning to divide Iraq by creating Iraqi units for Sunni, Shiites and Kurds, which is part of the plan to divide Iraq and other nations.
  • The propaganda against Syria continues and the case is falling apart. Be prepared for a false flag.

All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.

SF Source X22Report

How The Press And Politicians Lie About Economic Statistics [Audio]

Ry Dawson  April 2 2014

The unemployment rate is not U3. The rate of inflation is much higher than what is admitted and the jobs reports are not even reporting what they lead you to believe they measure.
Full interview here http://ancreport.com/podcasts/podcast… We also talk about the economics of Japan and the recent hike in the consumption tax.



The U.S. Economy Is Now Dangerously Detached From Reality

Activist Post February 8 2013

Economy of the United States

Recently I was asked to give a presentation on the current state of the global economy to a local group of concerned citizens here in Northwest Montana.  I was happy to oblige but when composing my bullet points I realized that, in truth, there were no legitimate economic numbers to examine anymore.  You see, financial analysts have traditionally used multiple indicators of employment, profit, savings, credit, supply, and demand in their efforts to divine the often obscured facts of our financial system.  The problem is, nearly every index we used in the past, every measure of capital flow and industry, is absolutely useless today.

We now live in an entirely fabricated fiscal environment.  Every aspect of it is filtered, muddled, molded, and manipulated before our eyes ever get to study the stats.  The metaphor may be overused, but our economic system has become an absolute “matrix”.  All that we see and hear has been homogenized and all truth has been sterilized away.  There is nothing to investigate anymore.  It is like awaking in the middle of a vast and hallucinatory live action theater production, complete with performers, props, and sound effects, all designed to confuse us and do us harm.  In the end, trying to make sense of the illusion is a waste of time.  All we can do is look for the exits…

There is some tangible reality out there, but it is difficult to find, and there are few if any mainstream numbers to verify.  One has to remember always that the fundamental world of money and trade revolves around real people and real circumstances.  No matter how corrupt our economic system is, as long as there are human beings, there will always be supply and demand that cannot be hidden.  We have to look past the “official numbers” and look at the roots of trade.  Where has demand fallen?  Where has supply diminished?  Where are the tangible goods and needs and how have they changed?

Let’s first start with the mainstream version of our system, looking at each aspect of the economy that no longer represents the truth of our situation…

Employment, Savings, And Debt 

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The Human Spirit is Alive and Well in This Darkness! [Video]

roadtoroota | January 15 2013

Even though a darkness has fallen across our planet in the form of poverty, fraud and suffering at the hands of those who wish to control us, human beings are REFUSING to lay down for the benefit of these “Bad Guys”. We are all WAKING UP and there is BEAUTY and GOODNESS in this new awake state which will EVENTUALLY dissolve the darkness.

Case in point is what just happened at the Unemployment Office in Madrid, Spain…

Here Comes The Sun” at the Unemployment Office

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