Tucker Carlson is Right: It’s about Evil

Tucker Carlson is Right: It’s about EvilJ Robert Smith – If you never watched the brilliant German movie, Downfall, do so.  It stars the late Bruno Ganz, whose portrayal of Adolf Hitler during his last days in his Berlin bunker was powerfully chilling.

Hitler was a psychopath, whose unshakable certitude and will were central to driving National Socialism’s capture of the German people.  Both were also central to the numbing devastation that Hitler’s hubris brought to Germans in the end.

Seeing the movie again, and having had read various accounts of Hitler’s and the Nazi’s rise and fall, I’m left with two key takeaways: at core, National Socialism was a cult, and it was terribly evil. Continue reading

The Uniparty Sure Hates Democracy!

The Uniparty Sure Hates DemocracyJ. B. Shurk – Watching the political Establishment freak out over twenty Republican members of Congress voting their own consciences in the election for House speaker has been hilarious.  Karl RoveDan CrenshawSean Hannity, and just about anyone else whose sinecure and preeminence depend upon religious devotion to Washington’s status quo sounded like little Greta Thunberg whining, “How dare they!”

Oh, my goodness, some congressional representatives took it upon themselves to vote as they believe their district constituents would desire and not as the Uniparty nobles who insist on ruling the nation from their petty thrones demand.  Whatever shall we do if this lowly democratic spirit sweeps the land? Continue reading