Wreck the Electoral College, Destroy the Country

electoral collegeDavid Horowitz – While you were sleeping, the Democrats (abetted by some deviant Republicans) have been working on a plan that would destroy the diversity of the American political system and bring the nation to the brink of civil war. The plan is called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, and tens of millions of dollars have already been spent over several decades trying to implement it. Fourteen blue states and the District of Columbia have already joined the Compact, which means they are 70% on the way to making their proposal the law of the land.

The Democrats’ plan is designed to eliminate the influence of the Electoral College in choosing the nation’s president, no doubt because while Hillary won the popular vote she failed win necessary votes in the Electoral College. Eliminating the influence of the Electoral College would end the diversity now embodied in the federal system with its division of powers between Washington and the fifty states.

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The Greatest Act of Collective Treason in U.S. History

Open Borders
US agents fire tear gas and rubber bullets at Honduran caravan migrants trying to illegally cross the US-Mexican border. Illegal aliens simply don’t do this unless they are paid and guided by their globalist paymasters and handlers.

State of the Nation – Truly, no one has ever seen anything like this in American history.

Numerous members of the U.S. Congress as well as the Judicial Branch have refused to defend the extremely vulnerable open borders of the United States of America.

The very same traitors have flaunted their willful neglect and serial law-breaking where it concerns the protection of the American people from all sorts of threats due to open borders and illegal immigration.  These dire threats only exist because of the extremely porous Mexican border. Continue reading

Abortion Pill Fast-Tracked by Clinton Kills 22 Women, Causes Infections, Hemorrhaging

MifeprexJudicial Watch – A controversial abortion drug rushed through the government’s approval process by the Clinton administration has killed nearly two dozen women and produced serious adverse effects in thousands of others, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch.

Nearly 100 women who took the drug (Mifeprex) had ectopic pregnancies, the records show, and hundreds of others required blood transfusions and hospitalization. Judicial Watch has investigated the government’s handling of Mifeprex, also known as RU-486, since the Clinton administration aggressively shoved the abortion pill through the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval process in an effort to appease radical pro-abortion activists.

Back in 2006 Judicial Watch published a special report  based on thousands of pages of FDA and National Archives documents showing the Clinton administration’s aggressive drive to thrust the abortion pill to the market in the United States despite warnings of its hazards.

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G7 Globalist Fear Trump Trade Reset

James Hall  – President Trump has announced that the U.S. piggy bank will no longer subsidize or be sucked dry to finance a pack of ungrateful allies. Keeping the Socialist EU afloat and putting up with backstabbers like Canada or allowing Japan to roll up massive trade surpluses must stop. The latest rumblings out of the UK are that all efforts are working overtime to nix the will of the Brit public from the Brexit vote. As for corporatists within the United States, the bulwark of opposition to Trump’s push to demand reciprocal treatment from “so called” trading partners means an end to the gravy train of plundering American workers and ripping off a viable domestic economy.

The business press has followed the pseudo political news reporting to trash all things Trump. The unbearable whining from the likes of ‘Free Traders’ Dagen McDowell and Charlie Gasparino on Fox business illustrates that fair and balanced distorts the value of understanding the core reason why our jobs were systematically moved overseas. Such globalists are not reporters. They are sycophants for their corporate masters. Continue reading

Mainstream fake-news: the devious limited hangout Jun 4

biowarJon Rappoport – Big media attacks “fake news.” Independent reporters rightly point the finger at big media as the predominant purveyor of fake news.

Here I want to comment on one of the most devious forms of MSM fake news: the limited hangout.

When necessary, news outlets will do a partial exposure of a hidden crime. The assumption is, once the story is published and broadcast, everyone will shake their heads and say, “That’s terrible,” and move on. The whole thing will be forgotten in a matter of days, as if the whole truth has been revealed. Limited hangout.

From media’s point of view, a limited hangout means: “We won’t do any further digging. We’ll shut down further investigation.” Vital questions won’t be asked:

Why did the criminals do what they did? Why are they still at large? Who is refusing to press charges and make arrests? What deeper crimes are still secret? Continue reading