Desperation Is Not An Aphrodisiac

“You are given the gifts of the gods, you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.” ~ Seth

Jafree Ozwald – The Universe is always showering you with abundance. It’s constantly blessing you with love, creativity and life. It’s perpetually giving you energy through the Sun, oxygen in the air, your food, water, and the electric pulse of your beating heart. This gift of energy is what makes you a vibrantly alive human being.

Anytime we feel needy, desperate, lacking, or in a state of demanding desire we’ve simply forgotten about these blessings which the Universe is offering. We’ve become ungrateful towards life and are trapped in the illusion of lack. Whenever we stop appreciating life, life stops appreciating us, and your typical flowing “easy day” suddenly becomes a perpetually challenging painful adventure. Continue reading

You Are Powerful, Beautiful And Extraordinary

You Are Powerful, Beautiful And ExtraordinaryJafree Ozwald – No matter what happens to you in life, remember this one sweet understanding. You are powerful beyond measure, beautiful beyond words and truly an extraordinary being who has access to unlimited love, creativity and pleasure!

All this is available inside you now. To access it, sit with the investigation of this understanding for a few minutes and see what happens! You might discover some resistance, denial or perhaps the realization that this amazing fact is already true within you all the time.

“Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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The Power of Asking for What You Want

“You create your opportunities by asking for them.” ~ Shakti Gawain

The Power of Asking for What You WantJafree Ozwald – There is a power inside you that is beyond anything that you have yet imagined. You have the ability to manifest anything that you want with pure joy and effortless ease. There are no real limits on what you can create into your life.

You are unlimited, unbounded, pure potential energy. You can consciously attract any experience you want at any time. When you are super specific about what you want, and ask from a surrendered place that is free from lack, you are one step closer to becoming a manifesting master.

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The 4 Steps To Revealing Your Soul’s Purpose

Life is a mystery. The more you understand it, the more mysterious it becomes.” – Osho

Jafree Ozwald – The purpose of your soul is multi-dimensional, multi-sensual, and multi-orgasmic. Even though there are perhaps an infinite wonderful reasons why you were born into this body on this magical planet, there is one single purpose for your life that encompasses them all. This purpose gives your soul direction, and makes your heart sing your soul’s sweetest song into the Universe.

By finding your soul’s purpose, you become aligned with your highest power and creativity, and can experience how easy it is to manifest anything you want into your world. This purpose expands your heart and mind, opening you to experience the amazing multi-dimensional being that you truly are. Continue reading

The Outrageous Power of The Blue Room

The Outrageous Power of The Blue Room

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Would you like to effortlessly manifest something FABULOUS into your life from “out of the blue”? People often think that it’s miraculous or unexplainable when something shows up that they desired for no apparent reason at all.

The truth is that science and spirituality are finally coming back together (after being separated over 500 years ago) to reveal the greatest secret in history. These quantum scientists of today are now proving that we are all truly powerful manifesting beings…naturally! Recent studies in Quantum physics have proven two important facts: Continue reading