Cultural Marxism: The Hidden Agenda Destroying America

ymrusofren – The above video can be found on You Tube and elsewhere under the name‘The Architects of Western Decline – A Study on the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism’. It’s an excellent 29 minute documentary about political correctness, also known as cultural Marxism, and also mentions its Frankfurt School origins of the 1920’s and 30’s.

The Frankfurt school started its life in Frankfurt in 1923 under the name of the Institute of Social Research. It was a Marxist-oriented research centre affiliated with the University of Frankfurt. Famous instigators and members include Carl Grünberg, Georg Lukács, Felix Weil, Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse and Jürgen Habermas. Antonio Gramsci and what most now describe as the quackery of Sigmund Freud were also big influences on the institute’s development.

The video explains in a clear way how, after traditional Marxism-where the workers of the world were meant to unite against their employers-had failed, an even more sordid and deliberately subversive new movement was created in its place. Continue reading