11th Dimensional Ship, How To Cope With The Changes

unseenJames Gilliland – Many keep asking about the new kids on the block in their 11D ship. It is an event the other multidimensional light workers have been waiting for as well as the 3D here on Earth. It is like Creators insurance that the awakening and healing process of Humanity and the Earth will continue and be successful.

To understand this one must understand how the higher dimensional beings operate. They, for the better part, work through the grids of consciousness and energy.

The Earth has been under the influence of the Archons, mainly Draconians for eons. Some call the present grid an Archonic or Draconian grid. It was not the original plan which was to be an Eden, heaven on Earth where the fauna, flora, animals, including the human civilization could evolve to its highest potential.

Due to interference on many levels by several species the Earth was hijacked ending up in its present state. Universal Law was replaced by Draconian Law, arrogance and greed and power over others became the rule of the day and as one climbs the ladder of power and wealth one realizes it gets even more decadent.

The shift in power moves from seen to unseen forces and those unseen forces care nothing for Humanity and the Earth. To them you are like cattle, a resource, to do with as they wish. Most are afraid to address this. They will hide behind spiritual aphorisms, beliefs with built in denial, or lay a guilt trip with judgments of spreading fear porn etc. They are the ones in fear, afraid to face the dragon. This is exactly why this Draconian empire was allowed to take over.

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