Venus and Uranus Sprinkling Flowers

Thurs., Apr 22 – Fri, Apr 23, 2021

VenusLaura Walker – It is the one day per year that Venus and Uranus meet up (exact conjunction Thursday, 8:42 pm Eastern at 11 Taurus).

11 Taurus is “a woman sprinkling flowers.” This energy is about increased creativity and the opportunity to nurture our “2R Visions” (the things we intended and the things we are manifesting during 2021).

When you picture “a woman sprinkling flowers,” what do you see?

Sprinkling flowers over anything instantly “honors” or “sanctifies” it.

In your picture of this symbol, what needs a flower? The divine feminine (Venus) is ready to cross paths with it. Continue reading

Elemental Change

TaurusLorna Bevan – This is the run up to the 1st of 2021’s 4 Super Moons on April 26/27th – a Full Moon at 7° Scorpio on steroids at its closest to the earth anchoring an April 24-30 seismic window. Extra grounding, hydration, rest and time spent outdoors will help you avoid feeling fritzed and fried.

On Sunday April 18th, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in late Aries starting a new cycle of connection and communication. Then between April 19 – May 3 there is a palpable elemental shift from Fire to Earth as the Sun, Mercury, Black Moon Lilith and Venus conjunct the Great Awakener Uranus at 10° Taurus. When volatile Uranus is in the frame, anything can happen and probably will. There could be stock market volatility as Saturn in Aquarius squares the stellium. Continue reading

Grounding Insights

saturnLorna Bevan – The battle between the old and the new catalyzed by the first of three Saturn /Uranus Squares is going to creates an engine of revolution right through the rest of 2021. As predicted in my “Survive and Thrive Guide to 2021“, we’ve just witnessed it playing out over access to the internet in the sudden withdrawal of Facebook from Australia.

This week opens with a G1 Geomagnetic storm recalibrating the Frequency Fields just as Mercury stations to turn direct at 11 Aquarius between Saturn and Jupiter. Weigh up your options but allow a few days for the Trickster storm to settle before committing to anything important. Continue reading

2021 Astrology Overview

uranusJoseph P Anthony – 2020 is finally behind us and what a year it’s been; it is one for the history books for sure. Our lives have been changed, whole industries have collapsed (at least in the short term), we learned to live without overseas or even local travel, we’ve had to isolate ourselves, quarantine and wear stupid masks.

We have become far less globally focused and more reliant on our domestic issues such as politics, economics, future trends, and uncertainty about our wellbeing. While all of these orchestrated shut downs have occurred our economies have suffered.

If 2020 was the year when everything fell apart, 2021 is the year when we begin picking up some of the pieces. Though, to rebuild, we’ll need to take on the formidable challenge of revamping our social, financial, and political institutions if we want to see a society where everyone in it — not just a select few — can thrive. Continue reading

Clearing Up The Debris

old power bases Lorna Bevan – Expect a week and more of witnessing the necessary outworkings and consequences of old power bases crumbling to dust whilst new ones are not yet established.

As the week opens, we tumble down November 30th’s eclipse rabbit hole in the active seismic window of Sunday’s Super New Moon in Scorpio when endings, completions and the true scale of the 2020 emotional wreckage become apparent. With Venus aligning with Jupiter, Saturn and Eris before entering Scorpio, there will be some old scores to settle and much to come to terms with, personally and collectively. On Tuesday 17th as Mercury opposes Awakener Uranus there may be one last shock or surprising new information to take on board. Continue reading